Structure of a Scene

A Scenic.Scene is a GenServer process which creates and manages a Graph that gets drawn to the screen. Scenes also respond to user input and other events.

Scenes can reference each other, creating a logical hierarchy that lives above the Graphs themselves. This allows scenes to be reusable, small, and simple. A properly designed scene should do one job, and do it well. Then it can be reused along with other simple scenes to create a complex screen of UI.

Scenes that are specifically meant to be reused are called components. Components have sugar apis that make them very easy to use inside of a parent scene.

For example, if you create a dashboard, it may have buttons, text input, sliders, or other input controls in it. Each of those controls is a component scene that is dynamically created when the dashboard scene is started. This collection of scenes forms a graph, which can be quite deep (scenes using scenes using scenes).

All these scenes communicate with each other by generating events and passing them as messages. This is explained more below.

The life-cycle of scenes (when they start, stop, etc.) is explained in the life-cycle of a scene guide.

The Graph

The most important state a Scene is responsible for is its Graph. The Graph defines what is to be drawn to the screen, any referenced components, and the overall draw order. When the Scene decides the graph is ready to be drawn to the screen, it pushes it to the ViewPort.

In general, a graph is an immutable data structure that you manipulate through transform functions. In the example below creates an empty graph, which is piped into functions that add things to it. The text/3 function accepts a graph, adds some text to it, then applies a list of options to the text.

The button/3 is similar to text/3. It accepts a graph, adds a button and applies a list of options to.

Text is a Primitive, which can be drawn directly to the screen. The text/3 helper function is imported from the Scenic.Primitives module. Button is a component whose helper function is imported from the Scenic.Components module.

  defmodule MyApp.Scene.Example do
    use Scenic.Scene
    alias Scenic.Graph
    import Scenic.Primitives
    import Scenic.Components

      |> text("Hello World", font_size: 22, translate: {20, 80})
      |> button("Do Something", translate: {20, 180})

    def init( scene, _param, _opts ) do
      scene = push_graph( scene, @graph )
      {:ok, scene}



If you can, build your graphs at compile time instead of at run time. This both reduces load/power use on the device and surfaces any errors early instead of when the device is in use. In the example above, the graph is built at compile time by assigning it to the module attribute @graph. You can read more about module attributes in Elixir's module attribute documentation.

In the above example, the graph is pushed to the ViewPort during the init/2 callback function.

There is more detail on how to build and manipulate Graph data in the Graph Overview.


The only required callback a Scene must implement is init/3. This function is called when the scene is started and is where you should initialize your state. Pushing the graph here is optional, but recommended. If you wait too long to build and push your first graph, the user will see a blank space or screen until you are ready.

Note that a Scene's state is always a %Scenic.Scene{} struct. Just like Socket in phoenix, it has an :assigns field that is used to store your state

def init( scene, _param, _opts ) do
  graph =  @graph

  scene =
    |> assign( graph: graph, my_value: 123 )
    |> push_graph( graph )

  {:ok, scene}

The second argument, param, is any term that you pass to your scene when you reference it or otherwise configure it in the ViewPort. Look at an example configuration of a ViewPort from the config.exs file...

  use Mix.Config

  # Configure the main viewport for the Scenic application
  config :my_app, :viewport, %{
        name: :main_viewport,
        size: {700, 600},
        default_scene: {MyApp.Scene.Example, :scene_init_data},
        drivers: [
            module: Scenic.Driver.Glfw,
            name: :glfw,
            opts: [resizeable: false, title: "Example Application"],

The line default_scene: {MyApp.Scene.Example, :scene_init_data} configures the ViewPort to always start the scene defined by the MyApp.Scene.Example module and to pass in :scene_init_data as the param argument of its init/3 function.

That :scene_init_data term could be any data structure you want. It will be passed to the scene's init/3 function unchanged.

The opts parameter is a Keyword list of contextual/optional data that is generated by the ViewPort and passed to your scene. The main options are:

:idIf this scene is a component, then the id that was assigned to its reference in the parent's graph is passed in as the :id option. Typically, controls that generate and send events to its parent scene use this id to identify themselves. If this is the root scene, the id will not be set.

User Input

A Scene also responds to messages. The two types of messages Scenic will send to the scene are user input and events.

Input is usually comes from the driver, such as mouse clicks and key presses, it can be handled with Scenic.Scene.handle_input/3.

Messages are generally sent from child components (such as a button) and can be handled with Scenic.Scene.handle_event/3.


You are free to send your own messages to scenes just as you would with any other GenServer process. You can use the handle_info/2, handle_cast/2 and handle_call/3 callbacks as you would normally.


Components are simply scenes with a little extra sugar added to make them easy to use from within another scene. To make a component, call the use Scenic.Component macro instead of the Scene version.

You will then need to add info/0 and verify/1 callbacks. The verify/1 accepts the scene_args parameter that will be passed to the init/2 function and verifies that it is correctly formatted. If it is correct, return {:ok, data}. If it is not ok, return :invalid_data.

In the event that verify/1 returns :invalid_data, then the info/1 callback is called to get a bitstring describing useful information to the developer. This will be included in the error that gets raised.

  defmodule MyApp.MyComponent do
    use Scenic.Component
    import Scenic.Primitives, only: [{:text, 3}, {:update_opts, 2}]

    def verify( text ) when is_bitstring(text), do: {:ok, text}
    def verify( _ ), do: :invalid_data

    def init( scene, text, opts ) do

      # modify the already built graph
      graph =
        |> text("", text_align: :center, translate: {100, 200}, id: :text)

      scene =
        |> assign( graph: graph, my_value: 123 )
        |> push_graph( graph )

      {:ok, scene}



Other than verifying the incoming information, Components work the same as any other scene.

Adding Components to a Parent Scene

You can add a component (like the one above) to a scene's graph via the add_to_graph/3 public function that is added to your component via the use Scenic.Component macro.

  defmodule MyApp.Scene.ExampleScene do
    |> MyApp.MyComponent.add_to_graph(:init_data, translate: {10, 20})

The first time this graph is submitted to the ViewPort via push_graph/1, that will trigger the life-cycle management of the MyApp.MyComponent scene process.

If this is a component you intend to make available to other developers, then you should also create a helper function to make this more compact. Look at the source code for the Scenic.Components module for examples. This entire module is a collection of helper functions whose job is to provide sugary access to the basic components' add_to_graph/3 functions.

With helper functions, the above graph would be re-written like this:

    |> my_component( :init_data, translate: {10, 20} )

Next, you should read about the life-cycle of a scene. This will explain how scenes get started, when they stop, and how they relate to each other.