scout_apm v0.4.4 ScoutApm.Internal.JobTrace

Link to this section Summary

Link to this section Types

Link to this type t()
t() :: %ScoutApm.Internal.JobTrace{
  contexts: [ScoutApm.Internal.Context.t()],
  exclusive_time: ScoutApm.Internal.Duration.t(),
  hostname: String.t(),
  job_name: String.t(),
  metrics: ScoutApm.MetricSet.t(),
  queue_name: String.t(),
  score: number(),
  time: any(),
  total_time: ScoutApm.Internal.Duration.t()

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function as_scored_item(trace)
Link to this function from_tracked_request(tracked_request)
from_tracked_request(any()) :: t()
Link to this function new(queue_name, job_name, time, contexts, total_time, exclusive_time, metrics, hostname)