scout_apm v0.4.4 ScoutApm.Internal.Metric

Store a single metric, that may contain aggregated data around many calls to that metric. Uniquely identified by type / name / desc / scope

Link to this section Summary

Link to this section Types

Link to this type t()
t() :: %ScoutApm.Internal.Metric{
  backtrace: nil | [any()],
  call_count: non_neg_integer(),
  desc: nil | String.t(),
  exclusive_time: ScoutApm.Internal.Duration.t(),
  max_time: ScoutApm.Internal.Duration.t(),
  min_time: ScoutApm.Internal.Duration.t(),
  name: String.t(),
  scope: nil | %{},
  total_time: ScoutApm.Internal.Duration.t(),
  type: String.t()

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function from_layer(layer, scope)
from_layer(ScoutApm.Internal.Layer.t(), nil | map()) :: t()
Link to this function from_layer_as_summary(layer)
from_layer_as_summary(ScoutApm.Internal.Layer.t()) :: t()
Link to this function from_sampler_value(type, name, number)
from_sampler_value(any(), any(), number()) :: t()
Link to this function merge(m1, m2)
merge(t(), t()) :: t()