secure_random v0.5.1 SecureRandom

Takes my favorite hits from Ruby’s SecureRandom and brings em to elixir. Mostly a convienance wrapper around Erlangs Crypto library, converting Crypto.strong_rand_bytes/1 into a string.


iex> SecureRandom.base64

iex> SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(4)

iex> SecureRandom.uuid



Returns random Base64 encoded string

Generates a random hexadecimal string

Returns random bytes

Returns random urlsafe Base64 encoded string

Returns UUID v4 string. I have lifted most of this straight from Ecto’s implementation


base64(n \\ 16)

Returns random Base64 encoded string.


iex> SecureRandom.base64

iex> SecureRandom.base64(8)
hex(n \\ 16)

Generates a random hexadecimal string.

The argument n specifies the length, in bytes, of the random number to be generated. The length of the resulting hexadecimal string is twice n.

If n is not specified, 16 is assumed. It may be larger in future.

The result may contain 0-9 and a-f.


iex> SecureRandom.hex(6)
random_bytes(n \\ 16)

Returns random bytes.


iex> SecureRandom.random_bytes
<<202, 104, 227, 197, 25, 7, 132, 73, 92, 186, 242, 13, 170, 115, 135, 7>>

iex> SecureRandom.random_bytes(8)
<<231, 123, 252, 174, 156, 112, 15, 29>>
urlsafe_base64(n \\ 16)

Returns random urlsafe Base64 encoded string.


iex> SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64

iex> SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(8)

Returns UUID v4 string. I have lifted most of this straight from Ecto’s implementation.


iex> SecureRandom.uuid “e1d87f6e-fbd5-6801-9528-a1d568c1fd02”