sendgrid v2.0.0 SendGrid.Personalization View Source

Personalizations are used by SendGrid v3 API to identify who should receive the email as well as specifics about how you would like the email to be handled.

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Link to this type t() View Source
t() :: %SendGrid.Personalization{
  bcc: nil | [SendGrid.Email.recipient()],
  cc: nil | [SendGrid.Email.recipient()],
  custom_args: nil | SendGrid.Email.custom_args(),
  dynamic_template_data: nil | SendGrid.Email.dynamic_template_data(),
  headers: nil | SendGrid.Email.headers(),
  send_at: nil | non_neg_integer(),
  subject: nil | String.t(),
  substitutions: nil | SendGrid.Email.substitutions(),
  to: nil | [SendGrid.Email.recipient()]