View Source SensitiveData (Sensitive Data v0.1.0)

This library aims to make data leak prevention straightforward and convenient, by making it easy to follow most of the Erlang Ecosystem Foundation's recommendations regarding protecting sensitive data.

For a quick overview, take a look at the Getting Started and Cheatsheet pages.

While wrapping sensitive data within a SensitiveData.Wrapper instance will conform to many recommendations in the linked article (such as wrapping sensitive data in a closure, pruning stack traces, and deriving the Inspect protocol), it doesn't cover others which may be relevant to your situation (such as using the :private option for ETS tables containing sensitive data, flagging the current process as sensitive using :erlang.process_flag(:sensitive, true) in processes holding sensitive data, and so on).


This library is intended to prevent accidental leakage of sensitive data, it WILL NOT keep data safe from a malicious actor that has access to your system. For example, the wrapped sensitive data could be read via BEAM introspection functionality, such as :erlang.fun_info(..., :env)



Executes the provided function, ensuring no data leaks in case of error.

Reads a line from stdin, without echoing the input back to the console.



@spec exec((-> result), exec_opts()) :: result
when result: term() | SensitiveData.Wrapper.t() | no_return()

Executes the provided function, ensuring no data leaks in case of error.



iex> Map.get("SOME_PASSWORD", :foobar)
** (BadMapError) expected a map, got: "SOME_PASSWORD"

iex> SensitiveData.exec(fn ->
...>   Map.get("SOME_PASSWORD", :foobar)
...> end)
** (SensitiveData.RedactedException) an exception of type `BadMapError` was raised in a sensitive context

Passing the execution result to a SecretData module implementing the SensitiveData.Wrapper behaviour:

SensitiveData.exec(fn ->
end, into: SecretData)
Link to this function

gets_sensitive(prompt, opts \\ [])

View Source
@spec gets_sensitive(prompt, [{:into, SensitiveData.Wrapper.spec()}]) ::
  user_input | SensitiveData.Wrapper.t()
when prompt: String.t(), user_input: String.t()

Reads a line from stdin, without echoing the input back to the console.



To display a prompt and await user input:

SensitiveData.gets_sensitive("Enter your database password: ")

To do the same but wrap the result within a SecretData module implementing the SensitiveData.Wrapper behaviour:

SensitiveData.gets_sensitive("Enter your database password: ",
  into: SecretData)