sentry v6.4.2 Sentry.Sources

This module is responsible for providing functionality that stores the text of source files during compilation for displaying the source code that caused an exception.


There is configuration required to set up this functionality. The options include :enable_source_code_context, :root_source_code_path, :context_lines, :source_code_exclude_patterns, and :source_code_path_pattern.

  • :enable_source_code_context - when true, enables reporting source code alongside exceptions.
  • :root_source_code_path - The path from which to start recursively reading files from. Should usually be set to File.cwd!.
  • :context_lines - The number of lines of source code before and after the line that caused the exception to be included. Defaults to 3.
  • :source_code_exclude_patterns - a list of Regex expressions used to exclude file paths that should not be stored or referenced when reporting exceptions. Defaults to [~r"/_build/", ~r"/deps/", ~r"/priv/"].
  • :source_code_path_pattern - a glob that is expanded to select files from the :root_source_code_path. Defaults to "**/*.ex".

An example configuration:

config :sentry,
  dsn: "",
  enable_source_code_context: true,
  root_source_code_path: File.cwd!,
  context_lines: 5

Source code storage

The file contents are saved when Sentry is compiled, which can cause some complications. If a file is changed, and Sentry is not recompiled, it will still report old source code.

The best way to ensure source code is up to date is to recompile Sentry itself via mix deps.compile sentry --force. It’s possible to create a Mix Task alias in mix.exs to do this. The example below would allow one to run mix.sentry_recompile which will force recompilation of Sentry so it has the newest source and then compile the project:

defp aliases do
  [sentry_recompile: ["deps.compile sentry --force", "compile"]]

This is an important to note especially when building for production. If your build or deployment system caches prior builds, it may not recompile Sentry and could cause issues with reported source code being out of date.

Due to Sentry reading the file system and defaulting to a recursive search of directories, it is important to check your configuration and compilation environment to avoid a folder recursion issue. Problems may be seen when deploying to the root folder, so it is best to follow the practice of compiling your application in its own folder. Modifying the source_code_path_pattern configuration option from its default is also an avenue to avoid compile problems.

Link to this section Summary


Given the source code map, a filename and a line number, this method retrieves the source code context

Link to this section Types

Link to this type file_map()
file_map() :: %{optional(pos_integer()) => String.t()}
Link to this type source_map()
source_map() :: %{optional(String.t()) => file_map()}

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function get_source_context(files, file_name, line_number)
get_source_context(source_map(), String.t(), pos_integer()) ::
  {[String.t()], String.t() | nil, [String.t()]}

Given the source code map, a filename and a line number, this method retrieves the source code context.

When reporting source code context to the Sentry API, it expects three separate values. They are the source code for the specific line the error occurred on, the list of the source code for the lines preceding, and the list of the source code for the lines following. The number of lines in the lists depends on what is configured in :context_lines. The number configured is how many lines to get on each side of the line that caused the error. If it is configured to be 3, the method will attempt to get the 3 lines preceding, the 3 lines following, and the line that the error occurred on, for a possible maximum of 7 lines.

The three values are returned in a three element tuple as {preceding_source_code_list, source_code_from_error_line, following_source_code_list}.