sentry v7.2.4 Sentry.Event

Provides an Event Struct as well as transformation of Logger entries into Sentry Events.


  • :in_app_module_whitelist - Expects a list of modules that is used to distinguish among stacktrace frames that belong to your app and ones that are part of libraries or core Elixir. This is used to better display the significant part of stacktraces. The logic is greedy, so if your app's root module is MyApp and your setting is [MyApp], that module as well as any submodules like MyApp.Submodule would be considered part of your app. Defaults to [].
  • :report_deps - Flag for whether to include the loaded dependencies when reporting an error. Defaults to true.

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Builds a map from argument value list. For Sentry, typically the key in the map would be the name of the variable, but we don't have that available.

Creates an Event struct out of context collected and options

Transforms an Exception to a Sentry event.

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sentry_exception() :: %{type: String.t(), value: String.t(), module: any()}
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t() :: %Sentry.Event{
  breadcrumbs: list(),
  culprit: String.t() | nil,
  environment: any(),
  event_id: String.t() | nil,
  event_source: any(),
  exception: [sentry_exception()],
  extra: map(),
  fingerprint: list(),
  level: String.t(),
  message: String.t() | nil,
  modules: map(),
  original_exception: Exception.t() | nil,
  platform: String.t(),
  release: any(),
  request: map(),
  server_name: any(),
  stacktrace: %{frames: [map()]},
  tags: map(),
  timestamp: String.t() | nil,
  user: map()

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add_metadata(t()) :: t()
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args_from_stacktrace(Exception.stacktrace()) :: map()

Builds a map from argument value list. For Sentry, typically the key in the map would be the name of the variable, but we don't have that available.

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create_event(keyword()) :: t()

Creates an Event struct out of context collected and options


  • :exception - Sentry-formatted exception
  • :original_exception - Original exception
  • :message - message
  • :stacktrace - a list of Exception.stacktrace()
  • :extra - map of extra context
  • :user - map of user context
  • :tags - map of tags context
  • :request - map of request context
  • :breadcrumbs - list of breadcrumbs
  • :event_source - the source of the event
  • :level - error level
  • :fingerprint - list of the fingerprint for grouping this event
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culprit_from_stacktrace(Exception.stacktrace()) :: String.t() | nil
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do_put_source_context(frame, file, line_number)

do_put_source_context(map(), String.t(), integer()) :: map()
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stacktrace_to_frames(Exception.stacktrace()) :: [map()]
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transform_exception(exception, opts)

transform_exception(Exception.t(), keyword()) :: t()

Transforms an Exception to a Sentry event.


  • :stacktrace - a list of Exception.stacktrace()
  • :extra - map of extra context
  • :user - map of user context
  • :tags - map of tags context
  • :request - map of request context
  • :breadcrumbs - list of breadcrumbs
  • :level - error level
  • :fingerprint - list of the fingerprint for grouping this event