Seraph.Example.Repo.Relationship (Seraph v0.2.4)

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Create a Relationship defined via Seraph.Schema.Relationship or a changeset.

Same as create/2 but raise if changeset is invalid.

Deletes a Relationship struct using its :start_node and :end_node.

Same as delete/1 but raise in case of error.

Fetches a single Relationship struct from the data store where the :start_node and :end_node matches the given struct or data. The identifier of the Nodes will be used to match them, then this data must be present in the given data.

Same ass get/3 but raise an error if more than one relationship is found

Create new Relationship if it doesn't exist.

This function is the equivalent to MERGE ... ON CREATE SET... ON MATCH SET....

Same as merge/2 but raise in case of error

Same as merge/4 but raise in case of error

Updates a changeset using its :end_node and :start_node

Same as set/2 but raise in case of error

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create(struct_or_changeset, opts \\ [])


Create a Relationship defined via Seraph.Schema.Relationship or a changeset.

Note that a relationship will be created even if a similar one still exists, i.e. It translates to CREATE (start_node)-[relationship_type]->(end_node).

It returns {:ok, struct} if the struct has been successfully created or {:error, changeset} if there was a validation error.


  • node_creation: if set to true, :start_node and :end_node will be created before relationship is.


# with existing nodes
person = MyRepo.Node.get!(Person, 42)
movie = MyRepo.Node.get!(Movie, 1)
new_rel = %ActedIn{
  start_node: person,
  end_node: movie,
  year: 2003
case MyRepo.Relationship.create(new_rel) do
  {:ok, struct} -> # succesful creation
  {:ok, changeset} -> # invalid changeset

# with new nodes
person = %Person{name: "Collin Chou", role: "Seraph"}
movie = %Movie{title: "Matrix Reloaded"}
new_rel = %ActedIn{
  start_node: person,
  end_node: movie,
  year: 2003
case MyRepo.Relationship.create(new_rel, node_creation: true) do
  {:ok, struct} -> # succesful creation
  {:ok, changeset} -> # invalid changeset
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create!(struct_or_changeset, opts \\ [])


Same as create/2 but raise if changeset is invalid.

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Deletes a Relationship struct using its :start_node and :end_node.

It returns {:ok, struct} if the struct has been successfully deleted or {:error, changeset} if there was a validation error.


acted_in = MyRepo.Relationship.get!(ActedIn, person, movie)
case MyRepo.Relationship.delete(acted_in) do
  {:ok, struct}       -> # Deleted with success
  {:error, changeset} -> # Something went wrong
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Same as delete/1 but raise in case of error.

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get(queryable, start_struct_or_data, end_struct_or_data)

Fetches a single Relationship struct from the data store where the :start_node and :end_node matches the given struct or data. The identifier of the Nodes will be used to match them, then this data must be present in the given data.

If only data is given, a struct will be built based on the :start_node / :end_node defined in relationship schema.

Returns nil if no result was found.


# Only with structs
MyRepo.Relationship.get!(ActedIn, %Person{name: "Collin Chou}, %Movie{title: "Matrix"})

# With struct and data mixed
MyRepo.Relationship.get!(ActedIn, %Person{name: "Collin Chou}, %{title: "Matrix"})

# Only with data
MyRepo.Relationship.get!(ActedIn, %{name: "Collin Chou}, %{title: "Matrix"})
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get!(queryable, start_struct_or_data, end_struct_or_data)

Same ass get/3 but raise an error if more than one relationship is found

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get_by(queryable, start_node_clauses, end_node_clauses, relationship_clauses \\ %{})


Fetch a single relationship from the query.

Return nil if no relationship was found.

Raise if more than one relationship.

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get_by!(queryable, start_node_clauses, end_node_clauses, relationship_clauses \\ %{})


Same as get_by/2 but raise if no Node is found.

Raise if more than one Relationship is found.

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merge(struct_or_changeset, opts \\ [])


Create new Relationship if it doesn't exist.

It translates to MERGE (start_node)-[relationship_type]->(end_node).

If :start_node and :end_node can be found (based on their merge keys) -> set new data otherwise -> crete a new Relationship


  • node_creation: if set to true, :start_node and :end_node will be created before relationship is.


result =
  case MyRepo.Relationship.get(ActedIn, person, movie) do
    nil  -> %ActedIn{start_node: person, end_node: movie}   # ActedIn not found, we build one
    acted_in -> acted_in          # ActedIn exists, nothing will be created
  |> ActedIn.changeset(changes)
  |> MyRepo.Relationship.merge()

case result do
  {:ok, struct}       -> # Merged with success
  {:error, changeset} -> # Something went wrong
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merge(queryable, start_node_data, end_node_data, opts)


This function is the equivalent to MERGE ... ON CREATE SET... ON MATCH SET....

It requires:

  • queryable - The queryable to merge
  • start_node_data: a valid Node schema data
  • end_node_data: a valid Node schema data
  • opts - at least one of these three options must be present:
    • :on_create: a tuple {data, changeset_fn} with the data to set on relationship if it's created. Given data will be validated through given changeset_fn.
    • :on_match: a tuple {data, changeset_fn} with the data to set on relationship if it already exists and is matched. Given data will be validated through given changeset_fn
    • :no_data a boolean. Set to true allow to not provide :on_match nor :on_create and add no properties if relationship is created / updated. Useful for Relationsship without properties.

It returns {:ok, struct} if the struct has been successfully merged or {:error, changeset} if there was a validation error.


# Creation
result = MyRepo.Relationship.merge(ActedIn, person, movie,
                      on_create: {%{year: 2003}, &Person.changeset/2})
case result do
  {:ok, struct}       -> # Merged with success
  {:error, changeset} -> # Something went wrong

# Update
result = MyRepo.Relationship.merge(ActedIn, person, movie,
                      on_match: {%{views: 2}, &Person.views_changeset/2})
case result do
  {:ok, struct}       -> # Merged with success
  {:error, changeset} -> # Something went wrong

# Both depending on wether the node is found or not
result = MyRepo.Relationship.merge(AActedIn, person, movie,
                      on_create: {%{year: 2003}, &Person.changeset/2},
                      on_match: {%{views: 2}, &Person.views_changeset/2})
case result do
  {:ok, struct}       -> # Merged with success
  {:error, changeset} -> # Something went wrong
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merge!(struct_or_changeset, opts \\ [])


Same as merge/2 but raise in case of error

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merge!(queryable, start_node_data, end_node_data, opts)


Same as merge/4 but raise in case of error

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set(changeset, opts \\ [])


Updates a changeset using its :end_node and :start_node

This function allows to set new relationship data, but also to set new :start_node and :end_node

It returns {:ok, struct} if the struct has been successfully updated or {:error, changeset} if there was a validation error.


# Relationship
rel_acted_in = MyRepo.Relationship.get!(ActedIn, %Person{name: "Collin Chou}, %Movie{title: "Matrix"})

# Set new data
Seraph.Changeset.change(rel_acted_in, %{year: 2003})
|> MyRepo.Relationship.set()

#Set new :end_node
new_movie = Repo.Relationship.get!(Movie, 55)
Seraph.Changeset.change(rel_acted_in, %{end_node: new_movie})
|> MyRepo.Relationship.set()
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set!(changeset, opts \\ [])


Same as set/2 but raise in case of error