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In this guide, we're going to learn some basics about shards, how to create partitioned tables and how to use them; which is the easiest part, since it is the same ETS API.



In your rebar.config:

{deps, [
  {shards, "1.1.0"}


In your mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:shards, "~> 1.1"}]

Creating partitioned tables

Exactly as ETS, shards:new/2 function receives 2 arguments, the name of the table and the options. But in addition to the options given by ets:new/2, shards provides the next ones:

  • {partitions, pos_integer()} - Allows to set the desired number of partitions. By default, the number of partitions is the total of online schedulers (erlang:system_info(schedulers_online)).

  • {keyslot_fun, shards_meta:keyslot_fun()} - Function used to compute the partition where the action will be evaluated based on the key. Defaults to erlang:phash2/2.

  • {parallel, boolean()} - Specifies whether shards should work in parallel mode or not, for the applicable functions, e.g.: select, match, etc. By default is set to false.

  • {parallel_timeout, timeout()} - When parallel is set to true, it specifies the max timeout for a parallel execution. Defaults to infinity.

Wen a new table is created, the metadata is created for that table as well. The purpose of the metadata is to store information related to that table, such as: number of partitions, keyslot function, etc. To learn more about it, check out shards_meta.


% create a named table with 4 shards
> shards:new(tab1, [named_table, {partitions, 4}]).

% create another one with default options
> shards:new(tab2, []).


# create a named table with 4 shards
iex>, [:named_table, partitions: 4])

# create another one with default options
iex>, [])

NOTE: You can also start the observer by calling observer:start() to see how a partitioned table looks like.

Inserting entries


> shards:insert(tab1, {k1, 1}).
> shards:insert(tab1, [{k1, 1}, {k2, 2}]).

> shards:insert_new(tab1, {k3, 3}).
> shards:insert_new(tab1, {k3, 3}).
> shards:insert_new(tab1, [{k3, 3}, {k4, 4}]).


iex> :shards.insert(:tab1, k1: 1)
iex> :shards.insert(:tab1, k1: 1, k2: 2)

iex> :shards.insert_new(:tab1, k3: 3)
iex> :shards.insert_new(:tab1, k3: 3)
iex> :shards.insert_new(:tab1, k3: 3, k4: 4)

Retrieving entries


% inserting some objects
> shards:insert(tab1, [{k1, 1}, {k2, 2}, {k3, 3}]).

% let's check those objects
> shards:lookup(tab1, k1).
> shards:lookup(tab1, k2).
> shards:lookup(tab1, k3).
> shards:lookup(tab1, k4).

> shards:lookup_element(tab1, k3, 2).

% delete an object and then check
> shards:delete(tab1, k3).
> shards:lookup(tab1, k3).

% now let's find all stored objects using select
> MatchSpec = ets:fun2ms(fun({K, V}) -> {K, V} end).
> shards:select(tab1, MatchSpec).


iex> :shards.insert(:tab1, k1: 1, k2: 2, k3: 3)

iex> :shards.lookup(:tab1, :k1)
[k1: 1]
iex> :shards.lookup(:tab1, :k2)
[k2: 2]
iex> :shards.lookup(:tab1, :k3)
[k3: 3]
iex> :shards.lookup(:tab1, :k4)

iex> :shards.lookup_element(:tab1, :k3, 2)

iex> :shards.delete(:tab1, :k3)
iex> :shards.lookup(:tab1, :k3)

iex> ms = :ets.fun2ms(& &1)
[{:"$1", [], [:"$1"]}]
iex>, ms)
[k2: 2, k1: 1]

As you may have noticed using shards is extremely easy, it's only matters of using the same ETS API but with shards module.

You can try the rest of the ETS API but using shards.

Making partitioned tables part of an application's supervision tree

There might be some cases we may want to start the tables as part of an existing supervision tree. To do so, we can create a dynamic supervisor for taking care of creating/deleting the tables and add the dynamic supervisor as part of our app supervision tree.

Shards provides the module shards_group, which is a dynamic supervisor that can bee added to an existing application and/or supervision tree. Besides, shards_group brings with the function to create tables making them part of the dynamic supervisor and also with the function to delete them and remove them from the dynamic supervisor. But let's see how it works!

Erlang example

Supposing you have an application myapp and the main supervisor myapp_sup, the only piece of configuration is to setup the shards_group as a supervisor within the application's supervision tree, like so:


-export([start_link/1, init/1]).

start_link() ->
  supervisor:start_link({name, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, []).

init(_) ->
  Children = [
    % Dynamic supervisor with default name shards_group
    % See shards_group:child_spec/1

  {ok, {{one_for_one, 10, 10}, Children}}.

The call shards_group:child_spec() will return the spec using the default name for the dynamic supervisor shards_group, but can pass the desired name by calling shards_group:child_spec(desired_name).

Once the app is started, you can use shards_group to create/delete tables and shards for the rest of the API functions, like so:

% create a table as part of the app supervision tree
> shards_group:new_table(myapp_dynamic_sup, tab1, [named_table]).

> shards:insert(tab1, [{a, 1}, {b, 2}]).
> shards:lookup_element(tab1, a, 2).

% let's create another table
> {ok, _Pid, Tab} = shards_group:new_table(myapp_dynamic_sup, tab2, []).

> shards:insert(tab2, [{c, 3}, {d, 4}]).
> shards:lookup_element(tab1, c, 2).

% you can open the observer to see hoe the tables look like
> observer:start().

% deleting a table
> shards_group:del_table(myapp_dynamic_sup, tab1).

Elixir example

In Elixir is much easier it provides the DynamicSupervisor module out-of-box, so we have two options, either use :shards_group like before in the Erlang example, or use DynamicSupervisor and create a simple module to encapsulate the logic of creating/deleting tables. Since we already know how :shards_group works in the previous example, let's take the second option.

First of all, let's create the module to encapsulate the logic of creating and deleting the tables:

defmodule MyApp.DynamicShards do
  @moduledoc false

  # creates a table with shards as part of the DynamicSupervisor which at
  # the same time is part of the app supervision tree
  def new(name, opts) do
    {:ok, _pid, tab} =
      DynamicSupervisor.start_child(__MODULE__, table_spec(name, opts))


  # deletes the table and also removes the table supervisor from the
  # DynamicSupervisor
  def delete(tab) do
    DynamicSupervisor.terminate_child(__MODULE__, :shards_meta.tab_pid(tab))

  # this functions encapsulates the logic of creating the sharded table
  # as child of the DynamicSupervisor
  def start_table(name, opts) do
    tab =, opts)
    pid = :shards_meta.tab_pid(tab)
    {:ok, pid, tab}

  # DynamicSupervisor child spec
  defp table_spec(name, opts) do
      id: name,
      start: {__MODULE__, :start_table, [name, opts]},
      type: :supervisor

The final piece of configuration is to setup a DynamicSupervisor as a supervisor within the application's supervision tree, which we can do in lib/my_app/application.ex, inside the start/2 function:

def start(_type, _args) do
  children = [
    {DynamicSupervisor, strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.DynamicShards}


Now we can use :shards:

iex>, [:named_table])
iex> t2 =, [])

iex> :shards.insert(:t1, a: 1, b: 2)
iex> :shards.insert(t2, c: 3, d: 4)

iex> :shards.lookup_element(:t1, :a, 2)
iex> :shards.lookup_element(t2, :c, 2)

# open the observer
iex> :observer.start()

# delete a table
iex> MyApp.DynamicShards.delete(:t1)

Advanced topics

Storing and retrieving custom metadata entries

Since shards uses an internal ETS table for the metadata, it also provides helper functions for storing and retrieving custom metadata entries.

> Tab = shards:new(mytab, [named_table, {partitions, 4}]).

> shards:put_meta(Tab, foo, bar).

> shards:get_meta(Tab, foo).

% Non-existing key
> shards:get_meta(Tab, foo_foo).

% With default
> shards:get_meta(Tab, foo_foo, bar_bar).


iex> tab =, [:named_table, partitions: 4])

iex> :shards.put_meta(tab, "foo", "bar")

iex> :shards.get_meta(tab, "foo")

# Non-existing key
iex> :shards.get_meta(tab, "foo foo")

# With default
iex> :shards.get_meta(tab, "foo foo", "bar bar")
"bar bar"

Caching the metadata

Like it is explained in shards module, when a partitioned table is created there is a metadata associated to it, to resolve the number of partitions and other needed attributes. Hence, every time a function is executed, shards has to resolve the metadata first; but this is done internally by shards. Nevertheless, shards allows to pass the metadata as last argument for most of the functions (check the docs to see what functions allow it), in case you are able to cache it and use it later for further operations. This is possible because the metadata is something doesn't change, so it can be easily cached and avoid shards the extra step to retrieve it from the meta table. But be aware this is just an ETS lookup, so the improvement is terms of performance may be insignificant, for that reason it is recommendable to evaluate very carefully each scenario and and see if its really worth it.

The overall recommendation is to let shards take care of retrieving the metadata and everything else, just use the base shards API (ETS API).

In case you want to cache the metadata:


> Tab = shards:new(mytab, [named_table, {partitions, 4}]).

> Meta = shards:table_meta(Tab).
{meta,<0.174.0>,1,4,fun erlang:phash2/2,false,[named_table]}


iex> tab =, [:named_table, partitions: 4])

iex> meta = :shards.meta(tab)
{:meta, #PID<0.163.0>, 1, 4, &:erlang.phash2/2, false, [:named_table]}

Then, you can use it for most of the functions (check the docs):


> shards:insert(Tab, [{a, 1}, {b, 2}], Meta).

> shards:lookup(Tab, a, Meta).

> shards:lookup_element(Tab, a, 2, Meta).


iex> :shards.insert(tab, [a: 1, b: 2], meta)

iex> :shards.lookup(tab, :a, meta)
[a: 1]

iex> :shards.lookup_element(tab, :a, 2, meta)

NOTE: See shards docs for more information about the functions that support receiving the metadata; most of them allow the metadata parameter, but there are few exceptions you should know.