View Source Sippet.Message.StatusLine (Sippet v1.0.16)

A SIP Status-Line struct, composed by the SIP-Version, Status-Code and the Reason-Phrase.

The start_line of responses are represented by this struct. The RFC 3261 represents the Status-Line as:

Status-Line  =  SIP-Version SP Status-Code SP Reason-Phrase CRLF

The above SIP-Version is represented by a {major, minor} tuple, which assumes the value {2, 0} in standard implementations.

The Status-Code is a 3-digit integer in the interval 100-699 indicating the outcome of an attempt to understand and satisfy a request.

The Reason-Phrase is a binary representing a short textual description of the Status-Code.

The Status-Code is intended for use by automata, whereas the Reason-Phrase is intended for the human user.



Returns a binary representing the default reason phrase for the given status_code.

Returns a binary representing the default reason phrase for the given status_code.

Returns a Status-Line struct.

Creates a Status-Line struct using a given reason phrase.

Returns an integer representing the status code class in the range [1, 6].

Returns an iodata which corresponds to the text representation of the given Status-Line.

Returns a binary which corresponds to the text representation of the given Status-Line.


@type status_code() :: 100..699
@type t() :: %Sippet.Message.StatusLine{
  reason_phrase: binary(),
  status_code: status_code(),
  version: version()
@type version() :: {integer(), integer()}


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@spec default_reason(status_code()) :: binary() | nil

Returns a binary representing the default reason phrase for the given status_code.

If the status_code does not have a corresponding default reason phrase, returns nil.


iex> Sippet.Message.StatusLine.default_reason(202)
iex> Sippet.Message.StatusLine.default_reason(499)
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@spec default_reason!(status_code()) :: binary() | no_return()

Returns a binary representing the default reason phrase for the given status_code.

If the status_code does not have a corresponding default reason phrase, throws an exception.


iex> Sippet.Message.StatusLine.default_reason!(202)
iex> Sippet.Message.StatusLine.default_reason!(499)
** (ArgumentError) status code 499 does not have a default reason phrase
@spec new(status_code()) :: t() | no_return()

Returns a Status-Line struct.

The reason_phrase is obtained from default values.

The function will throw an exception if the status_code is not in the valid range 100..699 or if the status_code does not have a default reason phrase.

The version will assume the default value {2, 0}.


%Sippet.Message.StatusLine{reason_phrase: "Bad Request", status_code: 400,
 version: {2, 0}}
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new(status_code, reason_phrase)

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@spec new(status_code(), reason_phrase :: binary()) :: t()

Creates a Status-Line struct using a given reason phrase.

In this function, the reason_phrase can be anything the application wants.

The function will throw an exception if the status_code is not in the valid range 100..699.

The version will assume the default value {2, 0}.


iex>, "Foobar")
%Sippet.Message.StatusLine{reason_phrase: "Foobar", status_code: 499,
 version: {2, 0}}
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@spec status_code_class(t()) :: 1..6

Returns an integer representing the status code class in the range [1, 6].


iex> alias Sippet.Message.StatusLine
iex> |> StatusLine.status_code_class()
@spec to_iodata(t()) :: iodata()

Returns an iodata which corresponds to the text representation of the given Status-Line.

It does not includes an ending line CRLF.


iex> alias Sippet.StatusLine iex> |> StatusLine.to_iodata ["SIP/", "2", ".", "0", " ", "202", " ", "Accepted"]

@spec to_string(t()) :: binary()

Returns a binary which corresponds to the text representation of the given Status-Line.

It does not includes an ending line CRLF.


iex> alias Sippet.StatusLine iex> |> StatusLine.to_string "SIP/2.0 202 Accepted"