Sitemapper v0.4.0 Sitemapper View Source

Sitemapper is an Elixir library for generating XML Sitemaps.

It's designed to generate large sitemaps while maintaining a low memory profile. It can persist sitemaps to Amazon S3, disk or any other adapter you wish to write.

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Receives a Stream of Sitemapper.URL and returns a Stream of {filename, body} tuples, representing the individual sitemap XML files, followed by an index XML file.

Receives a Stream of {filename, body} tuples, and persists those to the Sitemapper.Store.

Receives a Stream of {filename, body} tuples, takes the last one (the index file), and pings Google and Bing with its URL.

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generate(enum, opts)

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generate(stream :: Enumerable.t(), opts :: keyword()) :: Stream.t()

Receives a Stream of Sitemapper.URL and returns a Stream of {filename, body} tuples, representing the individual sitemap XML files, followed by an index XML file.

Accepts the following Keyword options in opts:

  • sitemap_url - The base URL where the generated sitemap files will live. e.g., if your sitemap lives at (required)
  • gzip - Sets whether the files are gzipped (default: true)
  • name - An optional suffix for the sitemap filename. e.g. If you set to news, will produce sitemap-news.xml.gz and sitemap-news-00001.xml.gz filenames. (default: nil)
  • index_lastmod - An optional Date/DateTime/NaiveDateTime for the lastmod element in the index. (default: Date.utc_today())

Receives a Stream of {filename, body} tuples, and persists those to the Sitemapper.Store.

Will raise if persistence fails.

Accepts the following Keyword options in opts:

Receives a Stream of {filename, body} tuples, takes the last one (the index file), and pings Google and Bing with its URL.