View Source Skogsra.Env (Skogsrå v2.4.0)

This module defines a Skogsra environment variable.

Link to this section Summary


Application name.

Variable binding.

Variable binding list.


List of keys that lead to the value of the variable.

Variable namespace.

Environment variable options.

Environment variable options


Skogsra environment variable.



Environment variable struct.

Gets the binding order for a Skogsra environment variable.

Whether the Skogsra environment variable is cached or not.

Gets the default value for a Skogsra environment variable.

Gets extra options.

Creates a new Skogsra environment variable.

Gets the OS variable name for the Skogsra environment variable.

Whether the Skogsra environment variable is required or not.

Gets the type of the Skogsra environment variable.

Link to this section Types

@type app_name() :: nil | atom()

Application name.

@type binding() :: :config | :system | module()

Variable binding.

@type bindings() :: [binding()]

Variable binding list.

@type key() :: atom()


@type keys() :: [key()]

List of keys that lead to the value of the variable.

@type namespace() :: nil | atom()

Variable namespace.

@type option() ::
  {:binding_order, bindings()}
  | {:binding_skip, bindings()}
  | {:os_env, binary()}
  | {:type, type()}
  | {:namespace, namespace()}
  | {:default, term()}
  | {:required, boolean()}
  | {:cached, boolean()}
  | {atom(), term()}

Environment variable options.

  • binding_order - Variable binding load order.
  • binding_skip - Skips loading a variable from the list of bindings.
  • os_env - The name of the OS environment variable.
  • type - Type to cast the OS environment variable value.
  • namespace - Default namespace for the variable.
  • default - Default value.
  • required - Whether the variable is required or not.
  • cached - Whether the variable is cached or not.
@type options() :: [option()]

Environment variable options:

@type t() :: %Skogsra.Env{
  app_name: app_name :: app_name(),
  keys: keys :: keys(),
  namespace: namespace :: namespace(),
  options: options :: options()

Skogsra environment variable.

@type type() ::
  | :integer
  | :neg_integer
  | :non_neg_integer
  | :pos_integer
  | :float
  | :boolean
  | :atom
  | :module
  | :unsafe_module
  | :any
  | module()


Link to this section Functions

Environment variable struct.

@spec binding_order(t()) :: bindings()

Gets the binding order for a Skogsra environment variable.

@spec cached?(t()) :: boolean()

Whether the Skogsra environment variable is cached or not.

@spec default(t()) :: term()

Gets the default value for a Skogsra environment variable.

@spec extra_options(t()) :: keyword()

Gets extra options.

Link to this function

new(namespace, app_name, keys, options)

View Source
@spec new(namespace(), app_name(), key(), options()) :: t()
@spec new(namespace(), app_name(), keys(), options()) :: t()

Creates a new Skogsra environment variable.

@spec os_env(t()) :: binary()

Gets the OS variable name for the Skogsra environment variable.

@spec required?(t()) :: boolean()

Whether the Skogsra environment variable is required or not.

@spec type(t()) :: type() | tuple()

Gets the type of the Skogsra environment variable.