View Source Skogsra.Core (Skogsrå v2.5.0)

This module defines the core API for Skogsra.



Gets the value of a given env.

Gets the value of a given env. Fails on error.

Puts a new value for an env.

Reloads an env variable.


@spec get_env(Skogsra.Env.t()) :: {:ok, term()} | {:error, binary()}

Gets the value of a given env.

@spec get_env!(Skogsra.Env.t()) :: term() | no_return()

Gets the value of a given env. Fails on error.

@spec put_env(Skogsra.Env.t(), term()) :: :ok | {:error, binary()}

Puts a new value for an env.

@spec reload_env(Skogsra.Env.t()) :: {:ok, term()} | {:error, binary()}

Reloads an env variable.