View Source Skogsra.Provider.Json (Skogsrå v2.5.0)

This module defines a JSON config provider for Skogsra.

Important: You need to add {:jason, "~> 1.1"} as a dependency along with Skogsra because the dependency is optional.

The following is an example for Ecto configuration in a file called /etc/my_app/config.yml:

    "app": "my_app",
    "module": "MyApp.Repo",
    "config": {
      "database": "my_app_db",
      "username": "postgres",
      "password": "postgres",
      "hostname": "localhost",
      "port": 5432

Then in your release configuration you can add the following:

config_providers: [{Skogsra.Provider.Json, ["/etc/my_app/config.json"]}]

Once the system boots, it'll parse and add the JSON configuration.