View Source Telemetry

Slipstream emits telemetry events for both processes: the client process and the connection process.

Telemetry for the connection process is very low-level: information about each message and before-and-after states for the connection. This telemetry aides in debugging failure-states of Slipstream and can be useful for development, but is likely not worth ingesting for average Slipstream users.

Client process telemetry is similar to the telemetry emitted by Phoenix.Channels and is recommended for consumption by average Slipstream users.

Client-process Telemetry

Clients emit telemetry in two categories:

  • basic channel connection and topic join events
  • callback events

The first emulate two-of-three events emitted by Phoenix.Channels (at time of writing):

  • [:slipstream, :client, :connect] - dispatched at the end of a successful client connection to a remote websocket host
    • metadata
        start_time: DateTime.t(),
        configuration: Slipstream.Configuration.t(),
        socket: Slipstream.Socket.t(),
        # emitted only on the stop event:
        response_headers: [{String.t(), String.t()}]
  • [:slipstream, :client, :join] - dispatched at the end of a successful join onto a topic
    • metadata
        start_time: DateTime.t(),
        socket: Slipstream.Socket.t(),
        topic: String.t(),
        params: Slipstream.json_serializable(),
        # emitted only on the stop event:
        response: Slipstream.json_serializable()

The second is emitted for any callback defined by the Slipstream module. Each of these events are emitted under the event name of [:slipstream, :client, callback], where callback is any callback defined by Slipstream, e.g. :handle_message. The metadata for these events is as follows:

  client: module(),
  callback: atom(),
  arguments: [any()],
  socket: Slipstream.Socket.t(),
  start_time: DateTime.t(),
  # emitted only on the stop event
  response: any()

Note that all client-process events emulate :telemetry.span/3 in naming and in measurements, and in the case of callback events, the events are emitted by :telemetry.span/3. This means that each of the above-described events are actually prefixes, and each event name below represents messages of event_prefix ++ [:start] and event_prefix ++ [:stop], with exceptions being emitted as event_prefix ++ [:exception].

Client authors are encouraged to only subscribe to the callbacks they are interested in (e.g. :handle_message or :handle_reply).

Note: events will not be emitted for any messages handled by the await_* family of synchronous functions.

Connection-process Telemetry

Slipstream currently emits telemetry for each message received in its Slipstream.Connection process. This aides in low-level debugging when one desires to see the entire event-history of a connection.

A connection can be pieced together by the :trace_id and :connection_id keys emitted in the metadata of these telemetry events. One Slipstream.Connection process is guaranteed to only use one :trace_id and one :connection_id.

The trace-id acts as a identifier which groups together all requests belonging to that Slipstream.Connection process. Because the life-cycle of the GenServer which runs the Slipstream.Connection process and the actual connection to a remote websocket are the same, there doesn't appear to be much difference between the :trace_id and the :connection_id, however, the :connection_id can be considered the parent-ID for all spans, where each subsequent message to the connection process is considered a span.

The Slipstream.Connection telemetry event prefixes are as follows:

[:slipstream, :connection, :connect]: an event which is executed at the start and stop of the connection process's life-cycle.

The metadata contains:

  state: %Slipstream.Connection.State{},
  connection_id: String.t(),
  trace_id: String.t(),
  # UTC date-time stamp of start-of-connection
  start_time: DateTime.t()

[:slipstream, :connection, :handle]: an event executed for each message received by the connection process.

Metadata contains:

  start_state: %Slipstream.Connection.State{},
  connection_id: String.t(),
  trace_id: String.t(),
  # unique to this message handle
  span_id: String.t(),
  # UTC date-time stamp of start-of-handling
  start_time: DateTime.t(),
  raw_message: term(),
  # included on the `event_prefix ++ [:stop]` events:
  message: term(),
  events: [%{type: atom(), attrs: map()}],
  built_events: [struct()],
  return: tuple(),
  end_state: %Slipstream.Connection.State{}

Each of these events follows the :telemetry.span/3 pattern in measurements and in names: event_prefix ++ [:start] and event_prefix ++ [:stop] events are emitted using each of the above event prefixes.

Note: connection telemetry will not be emitted for any connections simulated in a Slipstream.SocketTest.