slugy v1.0.0 Slugy

A Phoenix library to generate slug for your schema fields


Let’s suppose we have a Post schema and we want to generate a slug from title field and save it to the slug field. To achieve that we need to call slugify/2 following the changeset pipeline passing the desireable field. slugify/2 generates the slug and put it to the changeset.

defmodule Post do
  import Slugy, only: [slugify: 2]

  schema "posts" do
    field :title, :string
    field :body, :text
    field :slug, :string

  def changeset(post, attrs) do
    |> cast(attrs, [:title, :body])
    |> slugify(:title)

Running this code on iex console you can see the slug generated as a new change to be persisted.

iex> changeset = Post.changeset(%Post{}, %{title: "A new Post"})
%Ecto.Changeset{changes: %{title: "A new Post", slug: "a-new-post"}}

Slugy just generates a slug if the field’s value passed to slugify/2 comes with a new value to persist in attrs (in update cases) or if the struct is a new record to save.

Link to this section Summary


Returns a downcased dashed string

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function generate_slug(str)

Returns a downcased dashed string.


iex> generate_slug("Vamo que vamo")
Link to this function slugify(changeset, key)


The slugify/2 expects a changeset as a first parameter and an atom on the second one. The function will check if there is a change on the title field and if affirmative generates the slug and assigns to the slug field, otherwise do nothing and just returns the changeset.

iex> slugify(changeset, :title) %Ecto.Changeset{changes: %{slug: “content-1”}}

Slugify from an embedded struct field

In rare cases you need to generate slugs from a field inside a embeded structure that represents a jsonb column on your database.

For example by having a struct like below and we want a slug from data -> title:

type: "text",
data: %{title: "Content 1", external_id: 1}

Just pass a list with the keys following the path down to the desirable field.

iex> slugify(changeset, [:data, :title])
%Ecto.Changeset{changes: %{slug: "content-1"}}

Custom slug

If you want a custom slug composed for more than one fields e.g. a post title and the type like so "how-to-use-slugy-video" you need to implement the Slug protocol that extracts the desirable fields to generate the slug.

defmodule Post do
# ...

defimpl Slugy.Slug, for: Post do
  def to_slug(%{title: title, type: type}) do
    "#{title} #{type}"

So, %Post{title: "A new Post", type: "video"} with the above Slug protocol implementation will have a slug like so a-new-post-video


And lastly for having our routes with the slug we just need to implement the Phoenix.Param protocol to our slugified schemas. Phoenix.Param will extract the slug in place of the :id.

defmodule Post do
  @derive {Phoenix.Param, key: :slug}
  schema "posts" do
  # ...

  def changeset(post, attrs) do
  # ...

For more information about Phoenix.Param protocol see in


Add to your mix.exs file.

def deps do
  {:slugy, "~> 1.0.0"}

Don’t forget to update your dependencies.

$ mix deps.get