SnapFramework.Engine (SnapFramework v0.1.0-alpha.5) View Source

The EEx template engine.


The SnapFramework Engine is responsible for parsing EEx templates and building graphs from them.

You should always start a template with the a graph, and then add any components and primitives immediately after it.

<%= graph font_size: 20 %>

<%= component Scenic.Component.Button,
    "button text",
    id: :btn

<%= primitive Scenic.Primitive.Rectangle,
    {100, 100},
    id: :rect,
    fill: :steel_blue

In the above example you can see how simple it is to render component and primitives.


The templating engine also supports layouts.

<%= graph font_size: 20 %>

<%= layout padding: 100, width: 600, height: 600, translate: {100, 10} do %>
    <%= component Scenic.Component.Button, "test btn", id: :test_btn %>
    <%= component Scenic.Component.Button, "test btn", id: :test_btn %>
    <%= component Scenic.Component.Button, "test btn", id: :test_btn %>
    <%= component Scenic.Component.Button, "test btn", id: :test_btn %>
    <%= component Scenic.Component.Button, "test btn", id: :test_btn %>
    <%= component Scenic.Component.Button, "test btn", id: :test_btn %>

    <%= layout padding: 0, width: 600, height: 300, translate: {10, 10} do %>
        <%= component Scenic.Component.Input.Dropdown, {
            id: :dropdown_1,
            z_index: 100

        <%= component Scenic.Component.Input.Dropdown, {
            id: :dropdown_2
    <% end %>
<% end %>

The only required options on templates are width and height. Any nested layouts will have the padding and translate of the previous layout added onto it.

Any components rendered within a layout are added directly to the graph. Which means you can modify them directly in the scene you're working in. There is no parent component that is rendered.

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Link to this function

compile(path, assigns, info, env)

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Link to this function

compile_string(string, assigns, info, env)

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