
The clock module provides two submodules for your mirror; an actual digital clock and a calendar. Both relies on the same server so they are always kept in sync.


The clock displays a simple digital clock with following default format {h24}:{m}:{s} (i.e. 08:53:10) and a date with the following default date format {WDFull} {D} {Mshort} (i.e. Monday 20 sept.).


  • locale: (string, optional) Language of the module; fallbacks to en
  • timezone: (string, optional) Timezone for timeshifting correctly; fallbacks to UTCtime_format: (string, optional) Format that displays the time; fallbacks to {h24}:{m}:{s} (i.e. 08:53:10)
  • date_format: (string, optional) Format that displays the date; fallbacks to {WDFull} {D} {Mshort} (i.e. Monday 20 sept.)


The calendar display the current month's calendar with day header, dimmed weekends and today indicator.


  • locale: (string, optional) Language of the module; fallbacks to en
  • timezone: (string, optional) Timezone for timeshifting correctly; fallbacks to UTC


The server simply holds the current date and ticks every second to update itself with the current date. One server powers both the calendar and the clock, there is a diff done on the date so it does not renders on every thick.