socket v0.3.13 Socket.Stream

Link to this section Summary

Link to this section Types

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function file(self, path)
Link to this function file(self, path, options)
Link to this function file!(self, path)
Link to this function file!(self, path, options)
Link to this function io(self, io, options \\ [])
io(t(), :io.device(), Keyword.t()) :: :ok | {:error, term()}

Read from the IO device and send to the socket following the given options.


  • :size is the amount of bytes to read from the IO device, if omitted it will read until EOF
  • :offset is the amount of bytes to read from the IO device before starting to send what’s being read
  • :chunk_size is the size of the chunks read from the IO device at a time
Link to this function io!(self, io, options)
Link to this function recv(self, length_or_options)
Link to this function recv(self, length, options)
Link to this function recv!(self, length_or_options)
Link to this function recv!(self, length, options)
Link to this function send(self, data)
Link to this function send!(self, data)
Link to this function shutdown(self, how)
Link to this function shutdown!(self)
Link to this function shutdown!(self, how)