socket v0.3.13 Socket.UDP

This module wraps a UDP socket using gen_udp.


When creating a socket you can pass a series of options to use for it.

  • :as sets the kind of value returned by recv, either :binary or :list, the default is :binary.
  • :mode can be either :passive or :active, default is :passive
  • :local must be a keyword list

    • :address the local address to use
    • :fd an already opened file descriptor to use
  • :version sets the IP version to use
  • :broadcast enables broadcast sending


server =!(1337)

{ data, client } = server |> Socket.Datagram.recv!
server |> Socket.Datagram.send! data, client

Link to this section Summary


Convert UDP options to :inet.setopts compatible arguments

Create a UDP socket listening on an OS chosen port, use local to know the port it was bound on

Create a UDP socket listening on the given port or using the given options

Create a UDP socket listening on the given port and using the given options

Create a UDP socket listening on an OS chosen port, use local to know the port it was bound on, raising if an error occurs

Create a UDP socket listening on the given port or using the given options, raising if an error occurs

Create a UDP socket listening on the given port and using the given options, raising if an error occurs

Set options of the socket

Set the process which will receive the messages

Set the process which will receive the messages, raising if an error occurs

Link to this section Types

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function arguments(options)
arguments(Keyword.t()) :: list()

Convert UDP options to :inet.setopts compatible arguments.

Link to this function open()
open() :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, Error.t()}

Create a UDP socket listening on an OS chosen port, use local to know the port it was bound on.

Link to this function open(port)
open(:inet.port_number() | Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, Error.t()}

Create a UDP socket listening on the given port or using the given options.

Link to this function open(port, options)
open(:inet.port_number(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, Error.t()}

Create a UDP socket listening on the given port and using the given options.

Link to this function open!()
open!() :: t() | no_return()

Create a UDP socket listening on an OS chosen port, use local to know the port it was bound on, raising if an error occurs.

Link to this function open!(port_or_options)
open!(:inet.port_number() | Keyword.t()) :: t() | no_return()

Create a UDP socket listening on the given port or using the given options, raising if an error occurs.

Link to this function open!(port, options)
open!(:inet.port_number(), Keyword.t()) :: t() | no_return()

Create a UDP socket listening on the given port and using the given options, raising if an error occurs.

Link to this function options(socket, opts)
options(t(), Keyword.t()) :: :ok | {:error, Error.t()}

Set options of the socket.

Link to this function process(socket, pid)
process(t() | port(), pid()) ::
  :ok | {:error, :closed | :not_owner | Error.t()}

Set the process which will receive the messages.

Link to this function process!(socket, pid)
process!(t() | port(), pid()) :: :ok | no_return()

Set the process which will receive the messages, raising if an error occurs.