View Source Spear.BatchAppendResult (Spear v1.0.0)

A data structure representing the response to a batch-append request

This structure is sent to the :send_ack_to option when using Spear.append_batch/5.

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A response to a batch-append request

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@type t() :: %Spear.BatchAppendResult{
  batch_id: String.t(),
  position: Spear.Position.t() | :empty | nil,
  request_id: reference(),
    | {:error,
         data: term(),
         message: term(),
         status: term(),
         status_code: term()
    | tuple(),
  revision: non_neg_integer() | :empty | nil

A response to a batch-append request

When the batch-append succeeds, EventStoreDB returns the current revision and position info in the appended stream. These fields will be nil if the append does not succeed.