sphinx v0.1.2 Sphinx.Plugs

Module with convenient plug functions. You might want to import it in your web.ex inside controller scope.

As well as, to make sure all your endpoints have authorization performed, you may want to include plug :ensure_authorization in your pipelines.



Main plug for authorizing request. Fetches the current resource, authorizes action, action, and resource with authorizer, then either raises Sphinx.NotAuthorizedError, or flags conn as authorized, setting resource to conn.assigns.resource

Plug for ensuring you’ve performed authorization (or skipped it). If you haven’t it would raise Sphinx.AuthorizationNotPerformedError when you respond to conn

Plug for skipping authorization check if you’re using ensure_authorization. It’d flag conn’s authorization status as skipped, and wouldn’t perform any authorizations or checks afterwards


authorize(conn, opts)

Main plug for authorizing request. Fetches the current resource, authorizes action, action, and resource with authorizer, then either raises Sphinx.NotAuthorizedError, or flags conn as authorized, setting resource to conn.assigns.resource.

Fetching resource

Sphinx take number of steps to fetch current resource.

  1. First of all, it checks if :resource_fetcher option is passed. If it is, it’d be called with conn and resulting value would be used as resource.

  2. If :resource_fetcher hasn’t passed, Sphinx need to know module of resource to fetch it. It can be passed through :model option, or can be inferred from controller name by removing trailing Controller, and then, if required, by removing Api namespace from it. For example, any of [MyApp.UserController, MyApp.Api.UserController] infers to MyApp.User.

  3. If action of request is one of [:index, :create, :new] (collection actions), authorization would be done using module itself. You can expand this list by passing :collection option when calling plug.

  4. At last, Sphinx gets id of resource from params using :id_key option (by default, it’s “id”), then gets resource from repo calling: repo.get!(model, id). So, if your path looks like users/:user_id/posts/:id, and you want to authorize by user, you’d need to pass [id_key: "user_id", model: User] as options.

Getting actor

By default, actor is taken from :current_user field of conn assigns. You can override this by providing :actor_fetcher function or {Module, :function_name} pair either in app’s config or when calling plug. This function would be called with current conn and result will be passed to authorizer as an actor.


Action is the name of controller function which handles current request. Common REST actions are: [:index, :show, :create, :update, :delete].


Aithorizer is module for authorizing action with given actor and resource. You can either pass it when calling :authorize, or it will be inferred from current controller’s name by replacing trailing “Controller” with “Authorizer”. For example, if your controller is MyApp.Api.UserController, it first tries to load MyApp.Api.UserAuthorizer, then MyApp.UserAuthorizer. Only Api namespace is dropped from inferring, all other namespaces are preserved. Example authorizer:

defmodule MyApp.UserAuthorizer do
  def authorize?(_, :index, Post), do: true # index is public

  def authorize?(%User{id: id}, :update, %Post{author_id: id}), do: true # author can update own posts
  def authorize?(_, :update, _),
    do: {false, "Post editing limited to post authors only"} # fail with custom reason

  def authorize?(_, :delete_all, Post), do: false # fail with default message, see [`Sphinx.NotAuthorizedError`](Sphinx.NotAuthorizedError.html) docs


All options are optional if naming conventions are preserved and repo is given in app’s config.

  • :actor_fetcher - function/module-function pair to use for getting actor, called with conn.
  • :authorizer - authorize module to use.
  • :resource_fetcher - function, or keyword with function values. If given function, all actions will use that function to fetch resource, if given keyword, functions for existing action keys will be used when exists, otherwise default Sphinx fetching is used. Function called with conn, and passes whatever it receives to authorizer as resource.
  • :collection - atom or list of atoms corresponding to actions, which should authorized by module itself, instead of instance of module. By default, [:index, :new, :create] actions always authorized by module.
  • :repo - repo from where Sphinx gets resource. It’s called get! function with module, and id as parameters (like Ecto’s Repo).
  • :model - module of resource for fetching and authorizing with it.
  • :id_key - key for id param, in conn.params. By default it’s “id”, by you may want to probably change this for nested resources authorized by parents.
  • :only - atom or list of atoms to authorize. This should correspond to controller’s action names. Only given actions would be authorized.
  • :except - atom or list of atoms to exclude from authorizing.
ensure_authorization(conn, )

Plug for ensuring you’ve performed authorization (or skipped it). If you haven’t it would raise Sphinx.AuthorizationNotPerformedError when you respond to conn.

skip_authorization(conn, opts)

Plug for skipping authorization check if you’re using ensure_authorization. It’d flag conn’s authorization status as skipped, and wouldn’t perform any authorizations or checks afterwards.


  • :only - atom or list of atoms to skip. This should correspond to controller’s action names. Only given actions would be skipped.
  • :except - atom or list of atoms to exclude from skipping.


defmodule MyApp.UserController do
  use MyApp.Web, :controller

  plug skip_authorization, only: :index

  def index(conn, params) do