spotify_ex v2.2.1 Spotify.Credentials View Source

Provides a struct to hold token credentials from Spotify.

These consist of an access token, used to authenticate requests to the Spotify web API, as well as a refresh token, used to request a new access token when it expires.

You can use this struct in the place of a Plug.Conn struct anywhere in this library's functions with one caveat: If you use a Plug.Conn, these tokens will be persisted for you in browser cookies. However, if you choose to use Spotify.Credentials, it will be your responsibility to persist this data between uses of the library's functions. This is convenient if your use case involves using this library in a situation where you don't have access to a Plug.Conn or a browser/cookie system.


defmodule SpotifyExample do
  @moduledoc "This example uses an [`Agent`]( to persist the tokens"

  @doc "The [`Agent`]( is started with an empty `Credentials` struct"
  def start_link do
    Agent.start_link(fn -> %Spotify.Credentials{} end, name: CredStore)

  defp get_creds, do: Agent.get(CredStore, &(&1))

  defp put_creds(creds), do: Agent.update(CredStore, fn(_) -> creds end)

  @doc "Used to link the user to Spotify to kick off the auth process"
  def auth_url, do: Spotify.Authorization.url

  @doc "`params` are passed to your callback endpoint from Spotify"
  def authenticate(params) do
    creds = get_creds()
    {:ok, new_creds} = Spotify.Authentication.authenticate(creds, params)
    put_creds(new_creds) # make sure to persist the credentials for later!

  @doc "Use the credentials to access the Spotify API through the library"
  def track(id) do
    credentials = get_creds()
    {:ok, track} = Track.get_track(credentials, id)

Link to this section Summary


Returns a Spotify.Credentials struct from a parsed response body

Returns a Spotify.Credentials struct from either a Plug.Conn or a Spotify.Credentials struct

Returns a Spotify.Credentials struct given tokens

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

get_tokens_from_response(map) View Source

Returns a Spotify.Credentials struct from a parsed response body

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new(conn_or_credentials) View Source

Returns a Spotify.Credentials struct from either a Plug.Conn or a Spotify.Credentials struct

Link to this function

new(access_token, refresh_token) View Source

Returns a Spotify.Credentials struct given tokens