sqlitex v1.7.1 Sqlitex.Server View Source

Sqlitex.Server provides a GenServer to wrap a sqlitedb. This makes it easy to share a SQLite database between multiple processes without worrying about concurrency issues. You can also register the process with a name so you can query by name later.

Unsupervised Example

iex> {:ok, pid} = Sqlitex.Server.start_link(":memory:", [name: :example])
iex> Sqlitex.Server.exec(pid, "CREATE TABLE t (a INTEGER, b INTEGER)")
iex> Sqlitex.Server.exec(pid, "INSERT INTO t (a, b) VALUES (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)")
iex> Sqlitex.Server.query(pid, "SELECT * FROM t WHERE b = 2")
{:ok, [[a: 2, b: 2]]}
iex> Sqlitex.Server.query(:example, "SELECT * FROM t ORDER BY a LIMIT 1", into: %{})
{:ok, [%{a: 1, b: 1}]}
iex> Sqlitex.Server.query_rows(:example, "SELECT * FROM t ORDER BY a LIMIT 2")
{:ok, %{rows: [[1, 1], [2, 2]], columns: [:a, :b], types: [:INTEGER, :INTEGER]}}
iex> Sqlitex.Server.prepare(:example, "SELECT * FROM t")
{:ok, %{columns: [:a, :b], types: [:INTEGER, :INTEGER]}}
  # Subsequent queries using this exact statement will now operate more efficiently
  # because this statement has been cached.
iex> Sqlitex.Server.prepare(:example, "INVALID SQL")
{:error, {:sqlite_error, 'near "INVALID": syntax error'}}
iex> Sqlitex.Server.stop(:example)
iex> :timer.sleep(10) # wait for the process to exit asynchronously
iex> Process.alive?(pid)

Supervised Example

import Supervisor.Spec

children = [
  worker(Sqlitex.Server, ["priv/my_db.sqlite3", [name: :my_db])

Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one)

Link to this section Summary


Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

Same as Sqlitex.exec/3 but using the shared db connections saved in the GenServer state.

Invoked when the server is started. start_link/3 or start/3 will block until it returns.

Prepares a SQL statement for future use.

Same as Sqlitex.Query.query/3 but using the shared db connections saved in the GenServer state.

Same as Sqlitex.Query.query_rows/3 but using the shared db connections saved in the GenServer state.

Starts a SQLite Server (GenServer) instance.

Link to this section Functions

Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

See Supervisor.

Link to this function

create_table(pid, name, table_opts \\ [], cols) View Source

Link to this function

exec(pid, sql, opts \\ []) View Source

Same as Sqlitex.exec/3 but using the shared db connections saved in the GenServer state.

Returns the results otherwise.

Invoked when the server is started. start_link/3 or start/3 will block until it returns.

init_arg is the argument term (second argument) passed to start_link/3.

Returning {:ok, state} will cause start_link/3 to return {:ok, pid} and the process to enter its loop.

Returning {:ok, state, timeout} is similar to {:ok, state}, except that it also sets a timeout. See the "Timeouts" section in the module documentation for more information.

Returning {:ok, state, :hibernate} is similar to {:ok, state} except the process is hibernated before entering the loop. See c:handle_call/3 for more information on hibernation.

Returning {:ok, state, {:continue, continue}} is similar to {:ok, state} except that immediately after entering the loop the c:handle_continue/2 callback will be invoked with the value continue as first argument.

Returning :ignore will cause start_link/3 to return :ignore and the process will exit normally without entering the loop or calling c:terminate/2. If used when part of a supervision tree the parent supervisor will not fail to start nor immediately try to restart the GenServer. The remainder of the supervision tree will be started and so the GenServer should not be required by other processes. It can be started later with Supervisor.restart_child/2 as the child specification is saved in the parent supervisor. The main use cases for this are:

  • The GenServer is disabled by configuration but might be enabled later.
  • An error occurred and it will be handled by a different mechanism than the Supervisor. Likely this approach involves calling Supervisor.restart_child/2 after a delay to attempt a restart.

Returning {:stop, reason} will cause start_link/3 to return {:error, reason} and the process to exit with reason reason without entering the loop or calling c:terminate/2.

Callback implementation for GenServer.init/1.

Link to this function

prepare(pid, sql, opts \\ []) View Source

Prepares a SQL statement for future use.

This causes a call to sqlite3_prepare_v2 to be executed in the Server process. To protect the reference to the corresponding sqlite3_stmt struct from misuse in other processes, that reference is not passed back. Instead, prepared statements are cached in the Server process. If a subsequent call to query/3 or query_rows/3 is made with a matching SQL statement, the prepared statement is reused.

Prepared statements are purged from the cache when the cache exceeds a preset limit (20 statements by default).

Returns summary information about the prepared statement. {:ok, %{columns: [:column1_name, :column2_name,... ], types: [:column1_type, ...]}} on success or {:error, {:reason_code, 'SQLite message'}} if the statement could not be prepared.

Link to this function

query(pid, sql, opts \\ []) View Source

Same as Sqlitex.Query.query/3 but using the shared db connections saved in the GenServer state.

Returns the results otherwise.

Link to this function

query_rows(pid, sql, opts \\ []) View Source

Same as Sqlitex.Query.query_rows/3 but using the shared db connections saved in the GenServer state.

Returns the results otherwise.

Link to this function

set_update_hook(server_pid, notification_pid, opts \\ []) View Source

Link to this function

start_link(db_path, opts \\ []) View Source

Starts a SQLite Server (GenServer) instance.

In addition to the options that are typically provided to GenServer.start_link/3, you can also specify:

  • stmt_cache_size: (positive_integer) to override the default limit (20) of statements that are cached when calling prepare/3.
  • db_timeout: (positive_integer) to override :esqlite3's default timeout of 5000 ms for interactions with the database. This can also be set in config.exs as config :sqlitex, db_timeout: 5_000.
  • db_chunk_size: (positive_integer) to override :esqlite3's default chunk_size of 5000 rows to read from native sqlite and send to erlang process in one bulk. This can also be set in config.exs as config :sqlitex, db_chunk_size: 5_000.