Still.Image.TemplateHelpers (Still v0.8.0) View Source

Generates a set of images to ensure they are responsive.

See Still.Image.Preprocessor for details on these transformations.

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Returns a list of Elixir.Still.Image.Preprocessor.SourceFile for the given input file.

Checks if a file is a supported image.

Returns an image tag with the src and srcset.

Returns the file to be usd in a image's src attribute.

Returns the file to be usd in a image's srcset attribute.

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get_output_files(file, opts \\ [])

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get_output_files(file :: String.t(), list()) :: [Still.SourceFile.t()]

Returns a list of Elixir.Still.Image.Preprocessor.SourceFile for the given input file.

If :sizes or :transformations are present in opts, they will be passed to Still.Image.Preprocessor.

If :sizes is not set, the default will be 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of the input file's width.


is_img?(String.t()) :: boolean()

Checks if a file is a supported image.

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render_html(file, opts \\ [])

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render_html(file :: String.t(), list()) :: String.t()

Returns an image tag with the src and srcset.

If :sizes or :transformations are present in opts, they will be passed to Still.Image.Preprocessor.

If :sizes is not set, the default will be 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of the input file's width.

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render_src([Still.SourceFile.t()]) :: String.t()

Returns the file to be usd in a image's src attribute.

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render_srcset([Still.SourceFile.t()]) :: String.t()

Returns the file to be usd in a image's srcset attribute.