Still.Preprocessor behaviour (Still v0.8.0) View Source

Defines functions to be used by the several preprocessors as well as the behaviour they should have.

Preprocessors are the cornerstone of Still. A preprocessor chain can take a markdown file, execute its embedded Elixir, extract metadata from its front matter, transform it into HTML and wrap it in a layout.

There are a few defined chains by default, but you can extend Still with your own.

A custom preprocessor is simply a module that calls use Still.Preprocessor and implements the render/1function.

Take the following example:

defmodule YourSite.JPEG do
  use Still.Preprocessor

  @impl true
  def render(file) do

In this example, the render/1 function is used to transform the content and the metadata of a Elixir.Still.SourceFile.

See the preprocessor guide for more details.

Link to this section Summary


Retrieves the preprocessor pipeline for the given file.

Runs the preprocessor pipeline for the given file.

Link to this section Functions

Retrieves the preprocessor pipeline for the given file.


run(Still.SourceFile.t()) :: [Still.SourceFile.t()] | {:error, any()}

Runs the preprocessor pipeline for the given file.


run(Still.SourceFile.t(), [module()]) ::
  [Still.SourceFile.t()] | {:error, any()}

Link to this section Callbacks

Link to this callback


View Source (optional)


after_render(Still.SourceFile.t()) :: Still.SourceFile.t()
