View Source Stripe.CustomerCashBalanceTransaction (Striped v0.5.0) (generated)

Customers with certain payments enabled have a cash balance, representing funds that were paid by the customer to a merchant, but have not yet been allocated to a payment. Cash Balance Transactions represent when funds are moved into or out of this balance. This includes funding by the customer, allocation to payments, and refunds to the customer.

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The customer_cash_balance_transaction type.


Returns a list of transactions that modified the customer’s cash balance.

Retrieves a specific cash balance transaction, which updated the customer’s cash balance.

Link to this section Types

@type t() :: %Stripe.CustomerCashBalanceTransaction{
  applied_to_payment: term(),
  created: integer(),
  currency: binary(),
  customer: binary() | Stripe.Customer.t(),
  ending_balance: integer(),
  funded: term(),
  id: binary(),
  livemode: boolean(),
  net_amount: integer(),
  object: binary(),
  refunded_from_payment: term(),
  type: binary(),
  unapplied_from_payment: term()

The customer_cash_balance_transaction type.

  • applied_to_payment
  • created Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
  • currency Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase. Must be a supported currency.
  • customer The customer whose available cash balance changed as a result of this transaction.
  • ending_balance The total available cash balance for the specified currency after this transaction was applied. Represented in the smallest currency unit.
  • funded
  • id Unique identifier for the object.
  • livemode Has the value true if the object exists in live mode or the value false if the object exists in test mode.
  • net_amount The amount by which the cash balance changed, represented in the smallest currency unit. A positive value represents funds being added to the cash balance, a negative value represents funds being removed from the cash balance.
  • object String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
  • refunded_from_payment
  • type The type of the cash balance transaction. One of applied_to_payment, unapplied_from_payment, refunded_from_payment, funded, return_initiated, or return_canceled. New types may be added in future. See Customer Balance to learn more about these types.
  • unapplied_from_payment

Link to this section Functions

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list(client, customer, params \\ %{}, opts \\ [])

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@spec list(
  client :: Stripe.t(),
  customer :: binary(),
  params :: %{
    optional(:ending_before) => binary(),
    optional(:expand) => [binary()],
    optional(:limit) => integer(),
    optional(:starting_after) => binary()
  opts :: Keyword.t()
) ::
  {:ok, Stripe.List.t(t())} | {:error, Stripe.ApiErrors.t()} | {:error, term()}

Returns a list of transactions that modified the customer’s cash balance.


  • Method: get
  • Path: /v1/customers/{customer}/cash_balance_transactions
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retrieve(client, customer, transaction, params \\ %{}, opts \\ [])

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@spec retrieve(
  client :: Stripe.t(),
  customer :: binary(),
  transaction :: binary(),
  params :: %{optional(:expand) => [binary()]},
  opts :: Keyword.t()
) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, Stripe.ApiErrors.t()} | {:error, term()}

Retrieves a specific cash balance transaction, which updated the customer’s cash balance.


  • Method: get
  • Path: /v1/customers/{customer}/cash_balance_transactions/{transaction}