View Source Stripe.SearchResult (Striped v0.5.0)

Some top-level API resource have support for retrieval via "search" API methods. For example, you can search charges, search customers, and search subscriptions.

Stripe's search API methods utilize cursor-based pagination via the page request parameter and next_page response parameter. For example, if you make a search request and receive "next_page": "pagination_key" in the response, your subsequent call can include page=pagination_key to fetch the next page of results.

See for more information.

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Link to this section Types

@type t(value) :: %Stripe.SearchResult{
  data: [value],
  has_more: boolean(),
  next_page: binary() | nil,
  object: binary(),
  total_count: integer() | nil,
  url: binary()
@type value() :: term()