
The module for interactiong with the Forecast API.


pub type CellSelection {


  • Land
  • Sea
  • Nearest

The different parameters available on the Forecast API.

See for further reference.

pub type ForecastParams {
    position: position.Position,
    hourly: List(instant.InstantVariable),
    daily: List(daily.DailyVariable),
    minutely: List(instant.InstantVariable),
    current: List(instant.InstantVariable),
    temperature_unit: TemperatureUnit,
    wind_speed_unit: WindSpeedUnit,
    precipitation_unit: PrecipitationUnit,
    timezone: String,
    past_days: Int,
    forecast_days: Int,
    forecast_hours: option.Option(Int),
    forecast_minutely_15: option.Option(Int),
    past_hours: option.Option(Int),
    past_minutely_15: option.Option(Int),
    start_date: option.Option(birl.Time),
    end_date: option.Option(birl.Time),
    start_hour: option.Option(birl.Time),
    end_hour: option.Option(birl.Time),
    start_minutely_15: option.Option(birl.Time),
    end_minutely_15: option.Option(birl.Time),
    cell_selection: CellSelection,


  • ForecastParams(
      position: position.Position,
      hourly: List(instant.InstantVariable),
      daily: List(daily.DailyVariable),
      minutely: List(instant.InstantVariable),
      current: List(instant.InstantVariable),
      temperature_unit: TemperatureUnit,
      wind_speed_unit: WindSpeedUnit,
      precipitation_unit: PrecipitationUnit,
      timezone: String,
      past_days: Int,
      forecast_days: Int,
      forecast_hours: option.Option(Int),
      forecast_minutely_15: option.Option(Int),
      past_hours: option.Option(Int),
      past_minutely_15: option.Option(Int),
      start_date: option.Option(birl.Time),
      end_date: option.Option(birl.Time),
      start_hour: option.Option(birl.Time),
      end_hour: option.Option(birl.Time),
      start_minutely_15: option.Option(birl.Time),
      end_minutely_15: option.Option(birl.Time),
      cell_selection: CellSelection,


    • minutely

      Get data every 15 minutes. Some data can’t be optained every 15 minutes, so it will be interpolated over the hour (or more if needed)

    • timezone

      Full list here :

      You can set timezone to auto, and the API will deduce the local timezone from the coordinates.

      For abbreviations, in my experience only three letter ones work (e.g. CEST returns an error).

    • past_days

      Will be clamped between 0 and 92.

    • forecast_days

      Will be clamped between 0 and 16.

    • forecast_hours

      If forecast_hours is negative or null, it will be set to option.None.

    • forecast_minutely_15

      If forecast_minutely_15 is negative or null, it will be set to option.None.

    • past_hours

      If past_hours is negative or null, it will be set to option.None.

    • past_minutely_15

      If past_minutely_15 is negative or null, it will be set to option.None.

The result of a request to the Forecast API.

pub type ForecastResult {
    position: position.Position,
    elevation: Float,
    utc_offset_seconds: Int,
    timezone: String,
    timezone_abbreviation: String,
    hourly: data.TimeRangedData(instant.InstantVariable),
    daily: data.TimeRangedData(daily.DailyVariable),
    minutely: data.TimeRangedData(instant.InstantVariable),
    current: option.Option(


  • ForecastResult(
      position: position.Position,
      elevation: Float,
      utc_offset_seconds: Int,
      timezone: String,
      timezone_abbreviation: String,
      hourly: data.TimeRangedData(instant.InstantVariable),
      daily: data.TimeRangedData(daily.DailyVariable),
      minutely: data.TimeRangedData(instant.InstantVariable),
      current: option.Option(
pub type PrecipitationUnit {


  • Millimeters
  • Inches
pub type TemperatureUnit {


  • Celsius
  • Fahrenheit
pub type WindSpeedUnit {


  • KilometersPerHour
  • MetersPerSecond
  • MilesPerHour
  • Knots


pub fn get_request(
  client: Client,
  params: ForecastParams,
) -> Request(String)

Get a request.Request(String) according to the specified ForecastParams.

Once you made a request using your favorite HTTP client, pass the String body to get_result.

pub fn get_result(
  response_body: String,
) -> Result(ForecastResult, SunnyError)

Get a ForecastResult from the body of a HTTP request response.

You can get a request to the Forecast API by using get_request.

pub fn params(position: Position) -> ForecastParams

Creates a new ForecastParams with the default values. Takes the Position of the place you to get the forecast (see the sunny/position module).

Defaults :

  • temperature_unit : Celsius
  • wind_speed_unit : Kilometers per hour
  • precipitation_unit : Millimeters
  • timezone : GMT
  • past_days : 0
  • forecast_days : 7
  • cell_selection : Land These are the same defaults as the Open-Meteo API’s ones. Other parameters are set to option.None or to an empty List.
pub fn set_all_current(
  params: ForecastParams,
  except: List(InstantVariable),
) -> ForecastParams

Returns a new ForecastParams with all the current variables except the ones in the except argument.

pub fn set_all_daily(
  params: ForecastParams,
  except: List(DailyVariable),
) -> ForecastParams

Returns a new ForecastParams with all the daily variables except the ones in the except argument

pub fn set_all_hourly(
  params: ForecastParams,
  except: List(InstantVariable),
) -> ForecastParams

Returns a new ForecastParams with all the hourly variables except the ones in the except argument.

pub fn set_all_minutely(
  params: ForecastParams,
  except: List(InstantVariable),
) -> ForecastParams

Returns a new ForecastParams with all the minutely variables except the ones in the except argument.

pub fn set_cell_selection(
  params: ForecastParams,
  cell_selection: CellSelection,
) -> ForecastParams

Returns a new ForecastParams with the specified cell selection.

pub fn set_current(
  params: ForecastParams,
  current_list: List(InstantVariable),
) -> ForecastParams

Returns a new ForecastParams with the specified hourly list

pub fn set_daily(
  params: ForecastParams,
  daily_list: List(DailyVariable),
) -> ForecastParams

Returns a new ForecastParams with the specified daily list

pub fn set_end_date(
  params: ForecastParams,
  end_date: Time,
) -> ForecastParams

Returns a new ForecastParams with the specified end date.

pub fn set_end_hour(
  params: ForecastParams,
  end_hour: Time,
) -> ForecastParams

Returns a new ForecastParams with the specified end hour.

pub fn set_end_minutely_15(
  params: ForecastParams,
  end_minutely_15: Time,
) -> ForecastParams

Returns a new ForecastParams with the specified end minutely 15.

pub fn set_forecast_days(
  params: ForecastParams,
  forecast_days: Int,
) -> ForecastParams

Returns a new ForecastParams with the specified forecast days.

forecast_days will be clamped between 0 and 16.

pub fn set_forecast_hours(
  params: ForecastParams,
  forecast_hours: Int,
) -> ForecastParams

Returns a new ForecastParams with the specified forecast hours.

If forecast_hours is negative or null, it will be set to option.None.

pub fn set_forecast_minutely_15(
  params: ForecastParams,
  forecast_minutely_15: Int,
) -> ForecastParams

Returns a new ForecastParams with the specified forecast minutely 15.

If forecast_minutely_15 is negative or null, it will be set to option.None.

pub fn set_hourly(
  params: ForecastParams,
  hourly_list: List(InstantVariable),
) -> ForecastParams

Returns a new ForecastParams with the specified hourly list.

pub fn set_minutely(
  params: ForecastParams,
  minutely_list: List(InstantVariable),
) -> ForecastParams

Returns a new ForecastParams with the specified 15-minutely list

pub fn set_past_days(
  params: ForecastParams,
  past_days: Int,
) -> ForecastParams

Returns a new ForecastParams with the specified past days.

past_days will be clamped between 0 and 92.

pub fn set_past_hours(
  params: ForecastParams,
  past_hours: Int,
) -> ForecastParams

Returns a new ForecastParams with the specified past hours.

If past_hours is negative or null, it will be set to option.None.

pub fn set_past_minutely_15(
  params: ForecastParams,
  past_minutely_15: Int,
) -> ForecastParams

Returns a new ForecastParams with the specified past minutely 15.

If past_minutely_15 is negative or null, it will be set to option.None.

pub fn set_precipitation_unit(
  params: ForecastParams,
  unit: PrecipitationUnit,
) -> ForecastParams

Returns a new ForecastParams with the specified temperature unit.

pub fn set_start_date(
  params: ForecastParams,
  start_date: Time,
) -> ForecastParams

Returns a new ForecastParams with the specified start date.

pub fn set_start_hour(
  params: ForecastParams,
  start_hour: Time,
) -> ForecastParams

Returns a new ForecastParams with the specified start hour.

pub fn set_start_minutely_15(
  params: ForecastParams,
  start_minutely_15: Time,
) -> ForecastParams

Returns a new ForecastParams with the specified start minutely 15.

pub fn set_temperature_unit(
  params: ForecastParams,
  unit: TemperatureUnit,
) -> ForecastParams

Returns a new ForecastParams with the specified temperature unit.

pub fn set_timezone(
  params: ForecastParams,
  timezone: String,
) -> ForecastParams

Returns a new ForecastParams with the specified timezone.

pub fn set_wind_speed_unit(
  params: ForecastParams,
  unit: WindSpeedUnit,
) -> ForecastParams

Returns a new ForecastParams with the specified temperature unit.

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