Surface.AST.Meta (surface v0.7.0) View Source

A container for metadata about compilation.


* `:line` - the line from the source code where the parent was extracted
* `:module` - the component module (e.g. `Surface.Components.LivePatch`)
* `:node_alias` - the alias used inside the source code (e.g. `LivePatch`)
* `:file` - the file from which the source was extracted
* `:caller` - a Macro.Env struct representing the caller
* `:function_component?` - indicates if it's a function component or not

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t() :: %Surface.AST.Meta{
  caller: Macro.Env.t(),
  checks: Keyword.t(boolean()),
  column: non_neg_integer(),
  file: binary(),
  function_component?: boolean(),
  line: non_neg_integer(),
  module: atom(),
  node_alias: binary() | nil