Surface.Components.Form.Select (surface v0.7.0) View Source

Defines a select.

Provides a wrapper for Phoenix.HTML.Form's select/4 function.

All options passed via opts will be sent to select/4, class can be set directly and will override anything in opts.


  • form :form - The form identifier
  • field :string - The field name
  • id :string - The id of the corresponding select field
  • name :string - The name of the corresponding select field
  • class :css_class - The CSS class for the underlying tag
  • options :any, default: [] - The options in the select
  • prompt :string - An option to include at the top of the options with the given prompt text
  • selected :any - The default value to use when none was sent as parameter
  • opts :keyword, default: [] - Options list

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Callback implementation for Surface.Component.render/1.