Swiss.Map (swiss v3.12.0) View Source

A few extra functions to deal with Maps.

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Cuts off a map at the given depth.

Deep merges two maps. Only maps are merged, all other types are overridden.

Applies defaults to a map.

Wrapper around Map.from_struct/1 that tolerates nil.

Fetches a value from a map with indifferent access, i.e. given an atom, returns the value that is keyed by that atom, or by its string equivalent.

Runs Map.put/3 only if pred returns truthy when called on the value.

Runs Map.put/3 only if cond is truthy. Unlike Swiss.Map.put_if/4, takes a function that is called when the condition passes, that should return the value to insert in the map.

Converts an atom-keyed map into a string-keyed map.

Appplies an updater function to all keys in the given map.

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cut_depth(map, opts \\ [])

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cut_depth(map :: map(), opts :: cut_depth_opts) :: map()
when cut_depth_opts: [max_depth: non_neg_integer(), placeholder: any()]

Cuts off a map at the given depth.

This works for nested maps, but also maps nested in lists and tuples.


  • max_depth: Depth at which to cut off at. Defaults to 1.
  • placeholder: Map values that would exceed the maximum depth are replaced by a placeholder. Defaults to an empty map.


iex> Swiss.Map.cut_depth(%{a: 1, b: 2})
%{a: 1, b: 2}

iex> Swiss.Map.cut_depth(%{a: %{c: 3, d: 4}, b: 2})
%{a: %{}, b: 2}

iex> Swiss.Map.cut_depth(%{a: %{c: 3, d: 4}, b: 2}, max_depth: 2)
%{a: %{c: 3, d: 4}, b: 2}

iex> Swiss.Map.cut_depth(%{a: %{c: 3, d: 4}, b: 2}, placeholder: "%{...}")
%{a: "%{...}", b: 2}

iex> Swiss.Map.cut_depth(%{a: [1, 2], b: [%{a: 2}], c: {1, 2}, d: {%{a: 5}}})
%{a: [1, 2], b: [%{}], c: {1, 2}, d: {%{}}}
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deep_merge(map_dest, map_src, max_depth \\ :infinity)

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deep_merge(map(), map(), non_neg_integer() | :infinity) :: map()

Deep merges two maps. Only maps are merged, all other types are overridden.


iex> Swiss.Map.deep_merge(%{user: %{id: 42}}, %{user: %{name: "João"}})
%{user: %{id: 42, name: "João"}}

iex> Swiss.Map.deep_merge(
...> %{user: %{id: 42, message: %{id: 22}}},
...> %{user: %{message: %{text: "hi"}}},
...> 1
...> )
%{user: %{id: 42, message: %{text: "hi"}}}

iex> Swiss.Map.deep_merge(
...> %{user: %{id: 42}, messages: [%{id: 1}]},
...> %{user: %{id: 30, age: 40}, messages: [%{id: 2}]}
...> )
%{user: %{id: 30, age: 40}, messages: [%{id: 2}]}


defaults(map(), map() | keyword()) :: map()

Applies defaults to a map.


iex> Swiss.Map.defaults(%{a: 42}, %{b: 12})
%{a: 42, b: 12}

iex> Swiss.Map.defaults(%{a: 42}, %{a: 44, b: 12})
%{a: 42, b: 12}

iex> Swiss.Map.defaults(%{a: 42, c: nil}, [a: nil, b: 12, c: 13])
%{a: 42, b: 12, c: nil}


from_struct(struct() | nil) :: map() | nil

Wrapper around Map.from_struct/1 that tolerates nil.


iex> Swiss.Map.from_struct(nil)

iex> Swiss.Map.from_struct(%{__struct__: SomeStruct, life: 42})
%{life: 42}


indif_fetch!(map(), atom()) :: any()

Fetches a value from a map with indifferent access, i.e. given an atom, returns the value that is keyed by that atom, or by its string equivalent.

If both atom and String keys exist in the map, the atom's value is returned.


iex> Swiss.Map.indif_fetch!(%{life: 42}, :life)

iex> Swiss.Map.indif_fetch!(%{"life" => 42}, :life)

iex> Swiss.Map.indif_fetch!(%{:life => 42, "life" => 64}, :life)

iex> Swiss.Map.indif_fetch!(%{}, :life)
** (KeyError) key :life not found in: %{}
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put_if(map, key, value, pred \\ fn v -> !is_nil(v) end)

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put_if(map(), any(), any(), (any() -> boolean()) | boolean()) :: map()

Runs Map.put/3 only if pred returns truthy when called on the value.

The default behavior is to put unless the value is nil.

pred can also be a boolean.


iex> Swiss.Map.put_if(%{life: 42}, :life, 22)
%{life: 22}

iex> Swiss.Map.put_if(%{life: 42}, :life, nil)
%{life: 42}

iex> Swiss.Map.put_if(%{life: 42}, :life, nil, &is_nil/1)
%{life: nil}

iex> Swiss.Map.put_if(%{life: 42}, :life, 22, &(&1 < 55))
%{life: 22}

iex> Swiss.Map.put_if(%{life: 42}, :life, 30, true)
%{life: 30}

iex> Swiss.Map.put_if(%{life: 42}, :life, 30, false)
%{life: 42}
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put_if_lazy(map, key, value_fn, condition)

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put_if_lazy(map(), any(), (() -> any()), any()) :: map()

Runs Map.put/3 only if cond is truthy. Unlike Swiss.Map.put_if/4, takes a function that is called when the condition passes, that should return the value to insert in the map.


iex> Swiss.Map.put_if_lazy(%{life: 42}, :life, fn -> 12 end, true)
%{life: 12}

iex> Swiss.Map.put_if_lazy(%{life: 42}, :life, fn -> 12 end, false)
%{life: 42}


to_string_keys(map()) :: map()

Converts an atom-keyed map into a string-keyed map.


iex> Swiss.Map.to_string_keys(%{life: 42})
%{"life" => 42}

iex> Swiss.Map.to_string_keys(%{"life" => 42, death: 27})
%{"life" => 42, "death" => 27}
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update_all(map, updater)

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update_all(map(), ({any(), any()} -> {any(), any()} | any())) :: map()

Appplies an updater function to all keys in the given map.

The updater function receives a {key, value} tuple and may return a new value, or a new {key, value} tuple.


iex> Swiss.Map.update_all(%{a: 1, b: 2}, &(elem(&1, 1) * 2))
%{a: 2, b: 4}

iex> Swiss.Map.update_all(%{a: 1, b: 2}, &{Atom.to_string(elem(&1, 0)), elem(&1, 1) * 3})
%{"a" => 3, "b" => 6}