Swoosh.Adapters.Local.Storage.Memory (Swoosh v1.5.0) View Source

In-memory storage driver used by the Swoosh.Adapters.Local module.

The emails in this mailbox are stored in memory and won't persist once your application is stopped.

Link to this section Summary


List all the emails in the mailbox.

Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

Delete all the emails currently in the mailbox.

Get a specific email from the mailbox.

Callback implementation for GenServer.init/1.

Pop the last email from the mailbox.

Push a new email into the mailbox.

Starts the server

Stops the server

Link to this section Functions

List all the emails in the mailbox.


iex> email = new |> from("tony.stark@example.com")
%Swoosh.Email{from: {"", "tony.stark@example.com"}, [...]}
iex> Memory.push(email)
%Swoosh.Email{from: {"", "tony.stark@example.com"}, headers: %{"Message-ID": "a1b2c3"}, [...]}
iex> Memory.all()
[%Swoosh.Email{from: {"", "tony.stark@example.com"}, headers: %{"Message-ID": "a1b2c3"}, [...]}]

Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

See Supervisor.

Delete all the emails currently in the mailbox.


iex> email = new |> from("tony.stark@example.com")
%Swoosh.Email{from: {"", "tony.stark@example.com"}, [...]}
iex> Memory.push(email)
%Swoosh.Email{from: {"", "tony.stark@example.com"}, headers: %{"Message-ID": "a1b2c3"}, [...]}
iex> Memory.delete_all()
iex> Memory.list()

Get a specific email from the mailbox.


iex> email = new |> from("tony.stark@example.com")
%Swoosh.Email{from: {"", "tony.stark@example.com"}, [...]}
iex> Memory.push(email)
%Swoosh.Email{from: {"", "tony.stark@example.com"}, headers: %{"Message-ID": "a1b2c3"}, [...]}
iex> Memory.get("A1B2C3")
%Swoosh.Email{from: {"", "tony.stark@example.com"}, headers: %{"Message-ID": "a1b2c3"}, [...]}

Callback implementation for GenServer.init/1.

Pop the last email from the mailbox.


iex> email = new |> from("tony.stark@example.com")
%Swoosh.Email{from: {"", "tony.stark@example.com"}, [...]}
iex> Memory.push(email)
%Swoosh.Email{from: {"", "tony.stark@example.com"}, headers: %{"Message-ID": "a1b2c3"}, [...]}
iex> Memory.all() |> Enum.count()
iex> Memory.pop()
%Swoosh.Email{from: {"", "tony.stark@example.com"}, headers: %{"Message-ID": "a1b2c3"}, [...]}
iex> Memory.all() |> Enun.count()

Push a new email into the mailbox.

In order to make it easy to fetch a single email, a Message-ID header is added to the email before being stored.


iex> email = new |> from("tony.stark@example.com")
%Swoosh.Email{from: {"", "tony.stark@example.com"}, [...]}
iex> Memory.push(email)
%Swoosh.Email{from: {"", "tony.stark@example.com"}, headers: %{"Message-ID": "a1b2c3"}, [...]}

Starts the server

Stops the server