View Source Swoosh.Mailer (Swoosh v1.8.1)
Defines a mailer.
A mailer is a wrapper around an adapter that makes it easy for you to swap the adapter without having to change your code.
It is also responsible for doing some sanity checks before handing down the email to the adapter.
When used, the mailer expects :otp_app
as an option.
The :otp_app
should point to an OTP application that has the mailer
configuration. For example, the mailer:
defmodule Sample.Mailer do
use Swoosh.Mailer, otp_app: :sample
Could be configured with:
config :sample, Sample.Mailer,
adapter: Swoosh.Adapters.Sendgrid,
api_key: "SG.x.x"
Most of the configuration that goes into the config is specific to the adapter, so check the adapter's documentation for more information.
Per module configuration is also supported, it has priority over mix configs:
defmodule Sample.Mailer do
use Swoosh.Mailer, otp_app: :sample,
adapter: Swoosh.Adapters.Sendgrid,
api_key: "SG.x.x"
System environment variables can be specified with {:system, "ENV_VAR_NAME"}
config :sample, Sample.Mailer,
adapter: Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP,
relay: ""
username: {:system, "SMTP_USERNAME"},
password: {:system, "SMTP_PASSWORD"},
tls: :always
Once configured you can use your mailer like this:
# in an IEx console
iex> email = new |> from("") |> to("")
%Swoosh.Email{from: {"", ""}, ...}
iex> Mailer.deliver(email)
You can also pass an extra config argument to deliver/2
that will be merged
with your Mailer's config:
# in an IEx console
iex> email = new |> from("") |> to("")
%Swoosh.Email{from: {"", ""}, ...}
iex> Mailer.deliver(email, domain: "")
Each mailer outputs the following telemetry events:
[:swoosh, :deliver, :start]
: occurs whenMailer.deliver/2
begins.[:swoosh, :deliver, :stop]
: occurs whenMailer.deliver/2
completes.[:swoosh, :deliver, :exception]
: occurs whenMailer.deliver/2
throws an exception.[:swoosh, :deliver_many, :start]
: occurs whenMailer.deliver_many/2
begins.[:swoosh, :deliver_many, :stop]
: occurs whenMailer.deliver_many/2
completes.[:swoosh, :deliver_many, :exception]
: occurs whenMailer.deliver_many/2
throws an exception.
Capturing events
You can capture events by calling :telemetry.attach/4
or :telemetry.attach_many/4
. Here's an example:
# tracks the number of emails sent successfully/errored
defmodule MyHandler do
def handle_event([:swoosh, :deliver, :stop], _measurements, metadata, _config) do
if Map.get(metadata, :error) do
StatsD.increment("mail.sent.failure", 1, %{mailer: metadata.mailer})
StatsD.increment("mail.sent.success", 1, %{mailer: metadata.mailer})
def handle_event([:swoosh, :deliver, :exception], _measurements, metadata, _config) do
StatsD.increment("mail.sent.failure", 1, %{mailer: metadata.mailer})
def handle_event([:swoosh, :deliver_many, :stop], _measurements, metadata, _config) do
if Map.get(metadata, :error) do
StatsD.increment("mail.sent.failure", length(metadata.emails), %{mailer: metadata.mailer})
StatsD.increment("mail.sent.success", length(metadata.emails), %{mailer: metadata.mailer})
def handle_event([:swoosh, :deliver_many, :exception], _measurements, metadata, _config) do
StatsD.increment("mail.sent.failure", length(metadata.emails), %{mailer: metadata.mailer})
in Application.start/2
:telemetry.attach_many("my-handler", [
[:swoosh, :deliver, :stop],
[:swoosh, :deliver, :exception],
[:swoosh, :deliver_many, :stop],
[:swoosh, :deliver_many, :exception],
], &MyHandler.handle_event/4, nil)
Link to this section Summary
Interpolate system environment variables in the configuration.
Parse configs in the following order, later ones taking priority
Link to this section Functions
Interpolate system environment variables in the configuration.
This function will transform all the {:system, "ENV_VAR"} tuples into their respective values grabbed from the process environment.
Parse configs in the following order, later ones taking priority:
- mix configs
- compiled configs in Mailer module
- dynamic configs passed into the function
- system envs