system_registry v0.8.2 SystemRegistry

SystemRegistry is a transactional nested term storage and dispatch system. It takes a different approach to a typical publish-subscribe pattern by focusing on data instead of events. SystemRegistry is local (as opposed to distributed) and transactional (as opposed to asynchronous) to eliminate race conditions. It also supports eventual consistency with rate-limiting consumers that control how often they receive state updates.

Data in SystemRegistry is stored as a tree of nodes, represented by a nested map. In order to perform operations on the registry data, you specify the scope of the operation as a list of keys to walk to the desired tree node.

Link to this section Summary


Commit a transaction. Attempts to apply all changes. If successful, will notify_all

Execute an transaction to delete keys and their values

Delete all keys owned by the calling process

Query the SystemRegistry using a match spec

Move a node from one scope to another

Register process to receive notifications. Registrants are rate-limited and require that you pass an interval. Upon registration, the caller will receive the current state

Returns a transaction struct to pass to update/3 and delete/4 to chain modifications to to group. Prevents notifying registrants for each action. Example

Unregister process from receiving notifications

Unregister process from receiving notifications

Execute an transaction to insert or modify data

Execute an transaction to modify data in place by passing a modifier function

Link to this section Types

Link to this type

scope() :: [term()]

Link to this section Functions

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commit(SystemRegistry.Transaction.t()) ::
  {:ok, {new :: map(), old :: map()}} | {:error, term()}

Commit a transaction. Attempts to apply all changes. If successful, will notify_all.

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delete(t, scope \\ nil)
delete(transaction, scope()) :: SystemRegistry.Transaction.t()
when transaction: SystemRegistry.Transaction.t()
delete(scope(), Keyword.t() | nil) ::
  {:ok, {new :: map(), old :: map()}} | {:error, term()}

Execute an transaction to delete keys and their values.

Delete can be called on its own:

iex> SystemRegistry.update([:a], 1)
{:ok, {%{a: 1}, %{}}}
iex> SystemRegistry.delete([:a])
{:ok, {%{}, %{a: 1}}}

Or it can be included as part of a transaction pipeline

iex> SystemRegistry.update([:a], 1)
{:ok, {%{a: 1}, %{}}}
iex> SystemRegistry.transaction |> SystemRegistry.delete([:a]) |> SystemRegistry.commit
{:ok, {%{}, %{a: 1}}}

If you pass an internal node to delete, it will delete all the keys the process ownes under it.

iex> SystemRegistry.update([:a, :b], 1)
{:ok, {%{a: %{b: 1}}, %{}}}
iex> SystemRegistry.delete([:a])
{:ok, {%{}, %{a: %{b: 1}}}}
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delete_all(pid \\ nil)
delete_all(pid() | nil) ::
  {:ok, {new :: map(), old :: map()}} | {:error, term()}

Delete all keys owned by the calling process.

iex> SystemRegistry.update([:a, :b], 1)
{:ok, {%{a: %{b: 1}}, %{}}}
iex> SystemRegistry.delete_all()
{:ok, {%{}, %{a: %{b: 1}}}}
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match(key \\ :global, match_spec)
match(key :: term(), match_spec :: term()) :: map()

Query the SystemRegistry using a match spec.

iex> SystemRegistry.update([:a, :b], 1)
{:ok, {%{a: %{b: 1}}, %{}}}
iex> SystemRegistry.match(self(), :_)
%{a: %{b: 1}}
iex> SystemRegistry.match(self(), %{a: %{}})
%{a: %{b: 1}}
iex> SystemRegistry.match(self(), %{a: %{b: 2}})
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move(t, old_scope, new_scope \\ nil)
move(transaction, scope(), scope()) :: SystemRegistry.Transaction.t()
when transaction: SystemRegistry.Transaction.t()
move(scope_arg, scope(), opts :: nil | Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, {new :: map(), old :: map()}} | {:error, term()}
when scope_arg: scope()

Move a node from one scope to another

Move can be called on its own:

iex> SystemRegistry.update([:a], 1)
{:ok, {%{a: 1}, %{}}}
iex> SystemRegistry.move([:a], [:b])
{:ok, {%{b: 1}, %{a: 1}}}

Or it can be included as part of a transaction pipeline

iex> SystemRegistry.update([:a], 1)
{:ok, {%{a: 1}, %{}}}
iex> SystemRegistry.transaction |> SystemRegistry.move([:a], [:b]) |> SystemRegistry.commit
{:ok, {%{b: 1}, %{a: 1}}}
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register(opts \\ [])
register(opts :: keyword()) :: :ok | {:error, term()}

Register process to receive notifications. Registrants are rate-limited and require that you pass an interval. Upon registration, the caller will receive the current state.


* `:hysteresis` - Default: 0, The amount of time to wait before delivering the first
  change message.
* `:min_interval` - Default: 0, The minimum amount of time to wait after hysteresis,
  but before the next message is to be delivered.

With both options defaulting to , you will receive every message.


iex> mailbox = fn ->
...>   receive do
...>     msg -> msg
...>   after
...>     5 -> nil
...>   end
...> end
iex> SystemRegistry.register()
iex> mailbox.()
{:system_registry, :global, %{}}
iex> SystemRegistry.update([:state, :a], 1)
{:ok, {%{state: %{a: 1}}, %{}}}
iex> :timer.sleep(50)
iex> mailbox.()
{:system_registry, :global, %{state: %{a: 1}}}
iex> SystemRegistry.unregister()
iex> mailbox.()
iex> SystemRegistry.delete_all()
{:ok, {%{}, %{state: %{a: 1}}}}
iex> SystemRegistry.register(hysteresis: 10, min_interval: 50)
iex> mailbox.()
iex> SystemRegistry.update([:state, :a], 2)
{:ok, {%{state: %{a: 2}}, %{}}}
iex> :timer.sleep(1)
iex> mailbox.()
iex> :timer.sleep(15)
iex> mailbox.()
{:system_registry, :global, %{state: %{a: 2}}}
iex> SystemRegistry.update([:state, :a], 3)
{:ok, {%{state: %{a: 3}}, %{state: %{a: 2}}}}
iex> mailbox.()
iex> :timer.sleep(50)
iex> mailbox.()
{:system_registry, :global, %{state: %{a: 3}}}
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transaction(opts \\ [])
transaction(opts :: Keyword.t()) :: SystemRegistry.Transaction.t()

Returns a transaction struct to pass to update/3 and delete/4 to chain modifications to to group. Prevents notifying registrants for each action. Example:

iex> SystemRegistry.transaction |> SystemRegistry.update([:a], 1) |> SystemRegistry.commit
{:ok, {%{a: 1}, %{}}}
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unregister(key \\ :global)
unregister(key :: term()) :: :ok | {:error, term()}

Unregister process from receiving notifications

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unregister_all(pid \\ nil)
unregister_all(pid() | nil) :: :ok | {:error, term()}

Unregister process from receiving notifications

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update(t, scope, value \\ nil)
update(one, scope(), value :: any()) :: SystemRegistry.Transaction.t()
when one: SystemRegistry.Transaction.t()
update(one, value :: any(), opts :: nil | Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, {new :: map(), old :: map()}} | {:error, term()}
when one: scope()

Execute an transaction to insert or modify data.

Update can be called on its own:

iex> SystemRegistry.update([:a], 1)
{:ok, {%{a: 1}, %{}}}

Or it can be included as part of a transaction pipeline

iex> SystemRegistry.transaction |> SystemRegistry.update([:a], 1) |> SystemRegistry.commit
{:ok, {%{a: 1}, %{}}}

Passing a map to update will recursively expand into a transaction for example this:

iex> SystemRegistry.update([:a], %{b: 1})
{:ok, {%{a: %{b: 1}}, %{}}}

is equivalent to this:

iex>  SystemRegistry.update([:a, :b], 1)
{:ok, {%{a: %{b: 1}}, %{}}}
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update_in(scope, fun, opts \\ [])
update_in(scope(), (term() -> term()), opts :: keyword()) ::
  {:ok, {new :: map(), old :: map()}} | {:error, term()}

Execute an transaction to modify data in place by passing a modifier function.

Allows for the manipulation of the value at the scope. Useful for when the value needs to be modified in place.

For Example:

iex> SystemRegistry.update([:a], [1])
{:ok, {%{a: [1]}, %{}}}
iex> SystemRegistry.update_in([:a], fn(value) -> [2 | value] end)
{:ok, {%{a: [2, 1]}, %{a: [1]}}}