systemd_kmsg_formatter (systemd v0.6.2)

Formatter wrapper for systemd's journal level information.

Journald uses log-level format similar to Linux's printk logging function. This simply adds special prefix to the message formatted by the formatter specified via parent option.

Automatic registration

This formatter will be automatically registered for all handlers that use logger_std_h with type set to one of standard_io or standard_error if the respective FDs point to journal that is pointed by JOURNAL_STREAM which is autometically set by systemd if one of the options StandardOutput or StandardError is set to journal. So if you are using default logger handler then all you need to do is to set


In your systemd.service(8) file, and this library will handle the rest.

It is important that this formatter will still work poorly with multiline logs, if you are using such, then check out systemd_journal_h handler (which SHOULD NOT be used with this formatter).

To disable this behaviour set auto_formatter option for systemd to false.


                     #{formatter => {systemd_kmsg_formatter, #{}}).



"Parent" formatter that will be used as a "main" formatter.

Defaults to logger_formatter.
Rest of the options will be passed to parent with this option removed.