View Source Tds.Protocol.Header (Tds v2.3.1)

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(Client to SQL server only) Reset the connection before processing event but do not modify the transaction state (the state will remain the same before and after the reset).

Header flag that should tell if package data that header preceding is end of TDS message or not.

Tuple that holds decoded package header status flags.

(Client to SQL server only) Reset this connection before processing event. Only set for event types Batch, RPC, or Transaction Manager request


Decoded TDS package header

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conn_reset() :: :no_reset | :conn_reset | :conn_reset_skip_tran

(Client to SQL server only) Reset the connection before processing event but do not modify the transaction state (the state will remain the same before and after the reset).


msg_send_status() :: :normal | :eom

Header flag that should tell if package data that header preceding is end of TDS message or not.

  • :eom - End of message (EOM). The packet is the last packet in the whole request/response.
  • normal - Normal message, means that there is more packages comming after the one that header is preceding.


pkg_header_status() :: {msg_send_status(), pkg_process(), conn_reset()}

Tuple that holds decoded package header status flags.


pkg_header_type() ::
  | :login
  | :rpc
  | :result
  | :attention
  | :bulk_data
  | :federation_token
  | :tm_request
  | :login7
  | :sspi
  | :pre_login


pkg_process() :: :process | :ignore

(Client to SQL server only) Reset this connection before processing event. Only set for event types Batch, RPC, or Transaction Manager request


t() :: %Tds.Protocol.Header{
  has_data?: any(),
  length: any(),
  package: any(),
  spid: any(),
  status: pkg_header_status(),
  type: pkg_header_type(),
  window: any()

Decoded TDS package header

Link to this section Functions


decode(<<_::64>>) :: t() | {:error, any()}