tensorflex v0.1.2 Tensorflex

A simple and fast library for running Tensorflow graph models in Elixir. Tensorflex is written around the Tensorflow C API, and allows Elixir developers to leverage Machine Learning and Deep Learning solutions in their projects.


  • Make sure that the C API version and Python API version (assuming you are using the Python API for first training your models) are the latest. As of July 2018, the latest version is r1.9.

  • Since Tensorflex provides Inference capability for pre-trained graph models, it is assumed you have adequate knowledge of the pre-trained models you are using (such as the input data type/dimensions, input and output operation names, etc.). Some basic understanding of the Tensorflow Python API can come in very handy.

  • Tensorflex consists of multiple NIFs, so exercise caution while using it— providing incorrect operation names for running sessions, incorrect dimensions of tensors than the actual pre-trained graph requires, providing different tensor datatypes than the ones required by the graph can all lead to failure. While these are not easy errors to make, do ensure that you test your solution well before deployment.

Link to this section Summary


Adds two matrices of same dimensions together

Adds scalar value to matrix

Appends a single row to the back of a Tensorflex matrix

Creates a 2-D Tensorflex matrix from custom input specifications

Divides matrix values by scalar

Creates a TF_FLOAT constant value one-dimensional tensor from the floating point value specified

Creates a TF_FLOAT tensor from Tensorflex matrices containing the values and dimensions specified

Allocates a TF_FLOAT tensor of specified dimensions

Creates a TF_DOUBLE constant value one-dimensional tensor from the floating point value specified

Creates a TF_DOUBLE tensor from Tensorflex matrices containing the values and dimensions specified

Allocates a TF_DOUBLE tensor of specified dimensions

Used for listing all the operations in a Tensorflow .pb graph

Creates a TF_INT32 constant value one-dimensional tensor from the integer value specified

Creates a TF_INT32 tensor from Tensorflex matrices containing the values and dimensions specified

Allocates a TF_INT32 tensor of specified dimensions

Loads high-dimensional data from a CSV file as a Tensorflex 2-D matrix in a super-fast manner

Loads JPEG images into Tensorflex directly as a TF_UINT8 tensor of dimensions image height x image width x number of color channels

Used for accessing an element of a Tensorflex matrix

Converts a Tensorflex matrix (back) to a list of lists format

Multiplies scalar value with matrix

Used for loading a Tensorflow .pb graph model in Tensorflex

Runs a Tensorflow session to generate predictions for a given graph, input data, and required input/output operations

Used for obtaining the size of a Tensorflex matrix

Creates a TF_STRING constant value string tensor from the string value specified

Subtracts matrix2 from matrix1

Subtracts scalar value from matrix

Used to get the datatype of a created tensor

Converts the data stored in a 2-D tensor back to a 2-D matrix

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function add_matrices(matrix1, matrix2)

Adds two matrices of same dimensions together.

Takes in two %Matrix matrices as arguments.

Returns the resultant %Matrix matrix.


iex(1)> m1 = Tensorflex.create_matrix(2,3,[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])
  data: #Reference<0.3124708718.3046244353.117555>,
  ncols: 3,
  nrows: 2

iex(2)> m2 = Tensorflex.create_matrix(2,3,[[4,5,6],[1,2,3]])
  data: #Reference<0.3124708718.3046244354.115855>,
  ncols: 3,
  nrows: 2

iex(3)> m_added = Tensorflex.add_matrices m1,m2
  data: #Reference<0.3124708718.3046244353.118873>,
  ncols: 3,
  nrows: 2

iex(4)> Tensorflex.matrix_to_lists m_added
[[5.0, 7.0, 9.0], [5.0, 7.0, 9.0]]
Link to this function add_scalar_to_matrix(matrix, scalar)

Adds scalar value to matrix.

Takes two arguments: %Matrix matrix and scalar value (int or float)

Returns a %Matrix modified matrix.


iex(1)> m = Tensorflex.create_matrix(2,3,[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])
  data: #Reference<0.2262135929.2234908676.182623>,
  ncols: 3,
  nrows: 2

iex(2)> m = Tensorflex.add_scalar_to_matrix(m, 5) 
  data: #Reference<0.2262135929.2234908673.182139>,
  ncols: 3,
  nrows: 2

iex(3)> Tensorflex.matrix_to_lists m
[[6.0, 7.0, 8.0], [9.0, 10.0, 11.0]]
Link to this function append_to_matrix(matrix, datalist)

Appends a single row to the back of a Tensorflex matrix.

Takes a Tensorflex %Matrix matrix as input and a single row of data (with the same number of columns as the original matrix) as a list of lists (datalist) to append to the original matrix.

Returns the extended and modified %Matrix struct matrix.


iex(1)> m = Tensorflex.create_matrix(2,3,[[23,23,23],[32,32,32]])
  data: #Reference<0.153563642.2042232833.193025>,
  ncols: 3,
  nrows: 2

iex(2)> m = Tensorflex.append_to_matrix(m,[[2,2,2]])
  data: #Reference<0.153563642.2042232833.193025>,
  ncols: 3,
  nrows: 3

iex(3)> m = Tensorflex.append_to_matrix(m,[[3,3,3]])
  data: #Reference<0.153563642.2042232833.193025>,
  ncols: 3,
  nrows: 4

iex(4)> m |> Tensorflex.matrix_to_lists
[[23.0, 23.0, 23.0], [32.0, 32.0, 32.0], [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], [3.0, 3.0, 3.0]]

Incorrect usage will raise:

iex(5)> m = Tensorflex.append_to_matrix(m,[[2,2,2],[3,3,3]])
** (ArgumentError) data columns must be same as matrix and number of rows must be 1
(tensorflex) lib/tensorflex.ex:345: Tensorflex.append_to_matrix/2

iex(5)> m = Tensorflex.append_to_matrix(m,[[2,2,2,2]])      
** (ArgumentError) data columns must be same as matrix and number of rows must be 1
(tensorflex) lib/tensorflex.ex:345: Tensorflex.append_to_matrix/2
Link to this function create_matrix(nrows, ncols, datalist)

Creates a 2-D Tensorflex matrix from custom input specifications.

Takes three input arguments: number of rows in matrix (nrows), number of columns in matrix (ncols), and a list of lists of the data that will form the matrix (datalist).

Returns a %Matrix Tensorflex struct type.


Creating a new matrix

iex(1)> mat = Tensorflex.create_matrix(2,3,[[2.2,1.3,44.5],[5.5,6.1,3.333]])    
  data: #Reference<0.759278808.823525378.128525>,
  ncols: 3,
  nrows: 2

All %Matrix Tensorflex matrices can be passed in to the other matrix inspection and manipulation functions— matrix_pos/3,size_of_matrix/1, matrix_to_lists/1, and append_to_matrix/2:

iex(1)> mat = Tensorflex.create_matrix(4,4,[[123,431,23,1],[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8],[768,564,44,5]])
  data: #Reference<0.878138179.2435973124.131489>,
  ncols: 4,
  nrows: 4

iex(2)> mat = Tensorflex.append_to_matrix(mat, [[1,1,1,1]])
  data: #Reference<0.878138179.2435973124.131489>,
  ncols: 4,
  nrows: 5

iex(3)> Tensorflex.matrix_to_lists mat
  [123.0, 431.0, 23.0, 1.0],
  [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0],
  [5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0],
  [768.0, 564.0, 44.0, 5.0],
  [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]

iex(4)> Tensorflex.matrix_pos(mat,5,3)

iex(5)> Tensorflex.size_of_matrix mat
{5, 4}

Incorrect usage will raise:

iex(1)> Tensorflex.create_matrix(1,2,[[1,2,3]])
** (ArgumentError) argument error
(tensorflex) Tensorflex.NIFs.create_matrix(1, 2, [[1, 2, 3]])
(tensorflex) lib/tensorflex.ex:247: Tensorflex.create_matrix/3

iex(1)> Tensorflex.create_matrix(2,1,[[1,2,3]])
** (ArgumentError) argument error
(tensorflex) Tensorflex.NIFs.create_matrix(2, 1, [[1, 2, 3]])
(tensorflex) lib/tensorflex.ex:247: Tensorflex.create_matrix/3

iex(1)> Tensorflex.create_matrix(2,3,[[1.1,23,3.4], []])
** (ArgumentError) argument error
  (tensorflex) Tensorflex.NIFs.create_matrix(2, 3, [[1.1, 23, 3.4], []])
  (tensorflex) lib/tensorflex.ex:247: Tensorflex.create_matrix/3
iex(1)> Tensorflex.create_matrix(1,2,[[]])              
** (ArgumentError) data provided cannot be an empty list
(tensorflex) lib/tensorflex.ex:243: Tensorflex.create_matrix/3

iex(1)> Tensorflex.create_matrix(-1,2,[[3,4]])
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Tensorflex.create_matrix/3    
Link to this function divide_matrix_by_scalar(matrix, scalar)

Divides matrix values by scalar.

Takes two arguments: %Matrix matrix and scalar value (int or float)

Returns a %Matrix modified matrix.


iex(1)> m = Tensorflex.create_matrix(2,3,[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])
  data: #Reference<0.2262135929.2234908676.182623>,
  ncols: 3,
  nrows: 2

iex(2)> m = Tensorflex.divide_matrix_by_scalar m,5
  data: #Reference<0.3723154058.2507014148.17262>,
  ncols: 3,
  nrows: 2

iex(3)> Tensorflex.matrix_to_lists m
[[0.2, 0.4, 0.6], [0.8, 1.0, 1.2]]
Link to this function float32_tensor(floatval)

Creates a TF_FLOAT constant value one-dimensional tensor from the floating point value specified.

Takes in a float value as input.

Returns a tuple {:ok, %Tensor} where %Tensor represents an internal Tensorflex struct type that is used for holding tensor data and type.


iex(1)> {:ok, tensor} = Tensorflex.float32_tensor 123.123
  datatype: :tf_float,
  tensor: #Reference<0.2011963375.1804468228.236110>

Incorrect usage will raise:

iex(2)> {:ok, tensor} = Tensorflex.float32_tensor "123.123"
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Tensorflex.float32_tensor/1 

iex(2)> {:ok, tensor} = Tensorflex.float32_tensor 123      
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Tensorflex.float32_tensor/1
Link to this function float32_tensor(matrix1, matrix2)

Creates a TF_FLOAT tensor from Tensorflex matrices containing the values and dimensions specified.

Takes two arguments: a %Matrix matrix (matrix1) containing the values the tensor should have and another %Matrix matrix (matrix2) containing the dimensions of the required tensor.

Returns a tuple {:ok, %Tensor} where %Tensor represents an internal Tensorflex struct type that is used for holding tensor data and type.


iex(1)> vals = Tensorflex.create_matrix(2,3,[[12.0,45.2,2.11],[36.7,8.09,9.81]])
  data: #Reference<0.1251941183.3671982081.254268>,
  ncols: 3,
  nrows: 2

iex(2)> dims = Tensorflex.create_matrix(1,2,[[2,3]])
  data: #Reference<0.1251941183.3671982081.254723>,
  ncols: 2,
  nrows: 1
iex(3)> {:ok, tensor} = Tensorflex.float32_tensor vals,dims
  datatype: :tf_float,
  tensor: #Reference<0.1251941183.3671982081.255228>
Link to this function float32_tensor_alloc(matrix)

Allocates a TF_FLOAT tensor of specified dimensions.

This function is generally used to allocate output tensors that do not hold any value data yet, but will after the session is run for Inference. Output tensors of the required dimensions are allocated and then passed to the run_session/5 function to hold the output values generated as predictions.

Takes a Tensorflex %Matrix struct matrix as input.

Returns a tuple {:ok, %Tensor} where %Tensor represents an internal Tensorflex struct type that is used for holding the potential tensor data and type.


As an example, we can allocate a float32 output tensor that will be a vector of 250 values (1x250 matrix). Therefore, after the session is run, the output will be a float vector containing 250 values:

iex(1)> {:ok, tensor} = Tensorflex.create_matrix(1,2,[[1,250]]) |> Tensorflex.float32_tensor_alloc
  datatype: :tf_float,
  tensor: #Reference<0.961157994.2087059457.19014>
Link to this function float64_tensor(floatval)

Creates a TF_DOUBLE constant value one-dimensional tensor from the floating point value specified.

Takes in a float value as input.

Returns a tuple {:ok, %Tensor} where %Tensor represents an internal Tensorflex struct type that is used for holding tensor data and type.


iex(1)> {:ok, tensor} = Tensorflex.float64_tensor 123.123
  datatype: :tf_double,
  tensor: #Reference<0.2778616536.4219338753.155412>

Incorrect usage will raise:

iex(2)> {:ok, tensor} = Tensorflex.float64_tensor "123.123"
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Tensorflex.float64_tensor/1

iex(2)> {:ok, tensor} = Tensorflex.float64_tensor 123      
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Tensorflex.float64_tensor/1
Link to this function float64_tensor(matrix1, matrix2)

Creates a TF_DOUBLE tensor from Tensorflex matrices containing the values and dimensions specified.

Takes two arguments: a %Matrix matrix (matrix1) containing the values the tensor should have and another %Matrix matrix (matrix2) containing the dimensions of the required tensor.

Returns a tuple {:ok, %Tensor} where %Tensor represents an internal Tensorflex struct type that is used for holding tensor data and type.


iex(1)> vals = Tensorflex.create_matrix(2,3,[[12.0,45.2,2.11],[36.7,8.09,9.81]])
  data: #Reference<0.1251941183.3671982081.254268>,
  ncols: 3,
  nrows: 2

iex(2)> dims = Tensorflex.create_matrix(1,2,[[2,3]])
  data: #Reference<0.1251941183.3671982081.254723>,
  ncols: 2,
  nrows: 1

iex(3)> {:ok, tensor} = Tensorflex.float64_tensor vals,dims
  datatype: :tf_double,
  tensor: #Reference<0.1251941183.3671982081.255216>
Link to this function float64_tensor_alloc(matrix)

Allocates a TF_DOUBLE tensor of specified dimensions.

This function is generally used to allocate output tensors that do not hold any value data yet, but will after the session is run for Inference. Output tensors of the required dimensions are allocated and then passed to the run_session/5 function to hold the output values generated as predictions.

Takes a Tensorflex %Matrix struct matrix as input.

Returns a tuple {:ok, %Tensor} where %Tensor represents an internal Tensorflex struct type that is used for holding the potential tensor data and type.


As an example, we can allocate a float64 output tensor that will be a vector of 250 values (1x250 matrix). Therefore, after the session is run, the output will be a double vector containing 250 values:

iex(1)> {:ok, tensor} = Tensorflex.create_matrix(1,2,[[1,250]]) |> Tensorflex.float64_tensor_alloc
  datatype: :tf_double,
  tensor: #Reference<0.961157994.2087059457.19025>
Link to this function get_graph_ops(graph)

Used for listing all the operations in a Tensorflow .pb graph.

Reads in a Tensorflex %Graph struct obtained from read_graph/1.

Returns a list of all the operation names (as strings) that populate the graph model.


  • Google Inception CNN Model (source)
iex(1)> {:ok, graph} = Tensorflex.read_graph "classify_image_graph_def.pb"
2018-07-23 15:31:35.949345: W tensorflow/core/framework/op_def_util.cc:346] Op BatchNormWithGlobalNormalization is deprecated. It will cease to work in GraphDef version 9. Use tf.nn.batch_normalization().
  def: #Reference<0.3018278404.759824385.5268>,
  name: "classify_image_graph_def.pb"

iex(2)> Tensorflex.get_graph_ops graph
["DecodeJpeg/contents", "DecodeJpeg", "Cast", "ExpandDims/dim", "ExpandDims",
 "ResizeBilinear/size", "ResizeBilinear", "Sub/y", "Sub", "Mul/y", "Mul",
 "conv/conv2d_params", "conv/Conv2D", "conv/batchnorm/beta",
 "conv/batchnorm/gamma", "conv/batchnorm/moving_mean",
 "conv/batchnorm/moving_variance", "conv/batchnorm", "conv/CheckNumerics",
 "conv/control_dependency", "conv", "conv_1/conv2d_params", "conv_1/Conv2D",
 "conv_1/batchnorm/beta", "conv_1/batchnorm/gamma",
 "conv_1/batchnorm/moving_mean", "conv_1/batchnorm/moving_variance",
 "conv_1/batchnorm", "conv_1/CheckNumerics", "conv_1/control_dependency",
 "conv_1", "conv_2/conv2d_params", "conv_2/Conv2D", "conv_2/batchnorm/beta",
 "conv_2/batchnorm/gamma", "conv_2/batchnorm/moving_mean",
 "conv_2/batchnorm/moving_variance", "conv_2/batchnorm", "conv_2/CheckNumerics",
 "conv_2/control_dependency", "conv_2", "pool/CheckNumerics",
 "pool/control_dependency", "pool", "conv_3/conv2d_params", "conv_3/Conv2D",
 "conv_3/batchnorm/beta", "conv_3/batchnorm/gamma",
 "conv_3/batchnorm/moving_mean", "conv_3/batchnorm/moving_variance", ...]
  • Iris Dataset MLP Model (source)
iex(1)> {:ok, graph} = Tensorflex.read_graph "graphdef_iris.pb"
  def: #Reference<0.4109712726.1847984130.24506>,
  name: "graphdef_iris.pb"

iex(2)> Tensorflex.get_graph_ops graph
["input", "weights1", "weights1/read", "biases1", "biases1/read", "weights2", "weights2/read", "biases2", "biases2/read", "MatMul", "Add", "Relu", "MatMul_1", "Add_1", "output"]
  • Toy Computational Graph Model (source)
iex(1)> {:ok, graph} = Tensorflex.read_graph "graphdef_toy.pb"
  def: #Reference<0.1274892327.1580335105.235135>,
  name: "graphdef_toy.pb"

iex(2)> Tensorflex.get_graph_ops graph
["input", "weights", "weights/read", "biases", "biases/read", "MatMul", "add", "output"]
  • RNN LSTM Sentiment Analysis Model (source)
iex(1)> {:ok, graph} = Tensorflex.read_graph "frozen_model_lstm.pb"
  def: #Reference<0.713975820.1050542081.11558>,
  name: "frozen_model_lstm.pb"

iex(2)> Tensorflex.get_graph_ops graph
["Placeholder_1", "embedding_lookup/params_0", "embedding_lookup",
 "transpose/perm", "transpose", "rnn/Shape", "rnn/strided_slice/stack",
 "rnn/strided_slice/stack_1", "rnn/strided_slice/stack_2", "rnn/strided_slice",
 "rnn/stack/1", "rnn/stack", "rnn/zeros/Const", "rnn/zeros", "rnn/stack_1/1",
 "rnn/stack_1", "rnn/zeros_1/Const", "rnn/zeros_1", "rnn/Shape_1",
 "rnn/strided_slice_2/stack", "rnn/strided_slice_2/stack_1",
 "rnn/strided_slice_2/stack_2", "rnn/strided_slice_2", "rnn/time",
 "rnn/TensorArray", "rnn/TensorArray_1", "rnn/TensorArrayUnstack/Shape",
 "rnn/TensorArrayUnstack/strided_slice", "rnn/TensorArrayUnstack/range/start",
 "rnn/TensorArrayUnstack/range/delta", "rnn/TensorArrayUnstack/range",
 "rnn/while/Enter", "rnn/while/Enter_1", "rnn/while/Enter_2",
 "rnn/while/Enter_3", "rnn/while/Merge", "rnn/while/Merge_1",
 "rnn/while/Merge_2", "rnn/while/Merge_3", "rnn/while/Less/Enter",
 "rnn/while/Less", "rnn/while/LoopCond", "rnn/while/Switch",
 "rnn/while/Switch_1", "rnn/while/Switch_2", "rnn/while/Switch_3", ...]
Link to this function int32_tensor(intval)

Creates a TF_INT32 constant value one-dimensional tensor from the integer value specified.

Takes in an integer value as input.

Returns a tuple {:ok, %Tensor} where %Tensor represents an internal Tensorflex struct type that is used for holding tensor data and type.


iex(1)> {:ok, tensor} = Tensorflex.int32_tensor 123
  datatype: :tf_int32,
  tensor: #Reference<0.1927663658.3415343105.162588>

Incorrect usage will raise:

iex(2)> {:ok, tensor} = Tensorflex.int32_tensor 123.123
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Tensorflex.int32_tensor/1 

iex(2)> {:ok, tensor} = Tensorflex.int32_tensor "123.123"
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Tensorflex.int32_tensor/1  
Link to this function int32_tensor(matrix1, matrix2)

Creates a TF_INT32 tensor from Tensorflex matrices containing the values and dimensions specified.

Takes two arguments: a %Matrix matrix (matrix1) containing the values the tensor should have and another %Matrix matrix (matrix2) containing the dimensions of the required tensor.

Returns a tuple {:ok, %Tensor} where %Tensor represents an internal Tensorflex struct type that is used for holding tensor data and type.

NOTE: In case floating point values are passed in the values matrix (matrix1) as arguments for this function, the tensor will still be created and all the float values will be typecast to integers.


iex(1)> vals = Tensorflex.create_matrix(2,3,[[123,45,333],[2,2,899]]) 
  data: #Reference<0.1256144000.2868510721.170449>,
  ncols: 3,
  nrows: 2

iex(2)> dims = Tensorflex.create_matrix(1,2,[[2,3]])
  data: #Reference<0.1256144000.2868510721.170894>,
  ncols: 2,
  nrows: 1

iex(3)> {:ok, tensor} = Tensorflex.int32_tensor vals,dims
  datatype: :tf_int32,
  tensor: #Reference<0.1256144000.2868510721.171357>
Link to this function int32_tensor_alloc(matrix)

Allocates a TF_INT32 tensor of specified dimensions.

This function is generally used to allocate output tensors that do not hold any value data yet, but will after the session is run for Inference. Output tensors of the required dimensions are allocated and then passed to the run_session/5 function to hold the output values generated as predictions.

Takes a Tensorflex %Matrix struct matrix as input.

Returns a tuple {:ok, %Tensor} where %Tensor represents an internal Tensorflex struct type that is used for holding the potential tensor data and type.


As an example, we can allocate an int32 output tensor that will be a vector of 250 values (1x250 matrix). Therefore, after the session is run, the output will be an integer vector containing 250 values:

iex(1)> {:ok, tensor} = Tensorflex.create_matrix(1,2,[[1,250]]) |> Tensorflex.int32_tensor_alloc
  datatype: :tf_int32,
  tensor: #Reference<0.961157994.2087059457.18950>
Link to this function load_csv_as_matrix(filepath, opts \\ [])

Loads high-dimensional data from a CSV file as a Tensorflex 2-D matrix in a super-fast manner.

The load_csv_as_matrix/2 function is very fast— when compared with the Python based pandas library for data science and analysis’ function read_csv on the test.csv file from MNIST Kaggle data (source), the following execution times were obtained:

This function takes in 2 arguments: a path to a valid CSV file (filepath) and other optional arguments opts. These include whether or not a header needs to be discarded in the CSV, and what the delimiter type is. These are specified by passing in an atom :true or :false to the header: key, and setting a string value for the delimiter: key. By default, the header is considered to be present (:true) and the delimiter is set to ,.

Returns a %Matrix Tensorflex struct type.


We first exemplify the working with the test.csv file which belongs to the MNIST Kaggle CSV data (source), which contains 28000 rows and 784 columns (without the header). It is comma delimited and also contains a header. From the test.csv file, we also create a custom file without the header present which we refer to as test_without_header.csv in the examples below:

iex(1)> mat = Tensorflex.load_csv_as_matrix("test.csv")
  data: #Reference<0.4024686574.590479361.258459>,
  ncols: 784,
  nrows: 28000

iex(2)> Tensorflex.matrix_pos mat, 5,97

iex(3)> Tensorflex.matrix_pos mat, 5,96

On a visual inspection of the very large test.csv file, one can see that the values in these particular positions are correct. Now we show usage for the same file but without header, test_without_header.csv:

iex(1)> no_header = Tensorflex.load_csv_as_matrix("test/test_without_header.csv", header: :false)    
  data: #Reference<0.4024686574.590479364.257078>,
  ncols: 784,
  nrows: 28000

iex(2)> Tensorflex.matrix_pos no_header,5,97

iex(3)> Tensorflex.matrix_pos no_header,5,96

Next we see the delimiter functionalities. First, assuming we have two simple CSV files, sample1.csv and sample2.csv





The examples are as follows:

iex(1)> m1 = Tensorflex.load_csv_as_matrix("sample1.csv", header: :false) 
  data: #Reference<0.3878093040.3013214209.247502>,
  ncols: 5,
  nrows: 3

iex(2)> Tensorflex.matrix_to_lists m1
  [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0],
  [6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0],
  [11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0]

iex(3)> m2 = Tensorflex.load_csv_as_matrix("sample2.csv", header: :true, delimiter: "-")
  data: #Reference<0.4024686574.590479361.258952>,
  ncols: 4,
  nrows: 3

iex(4)> Tensorflex.matrix_to_lists m2
[[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0], [5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0], [9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0]]

Incorrect usage will raise:

iex(1)> not_working = Tensorflex.load_csv_as_matrix("test.csv", header: :no_header, delimiter: ",")
** (ArgumentError) header indicator atom must be either :true or :false 
(tensorflex) lib/tensorflex.ex:122: Tensorflex.load_csv_as_matrix/2
Link to this function load_image_as_tensor(imagepath)

Loads JPEG images into Tensorflex directly as a TF_UINT8 tensor of dimensions image height x image width x number of color channels.

This function is very useful if you wish to do image classification using Convolutional Neural Networks, or other Deep Learning Models. One of the most widely adopted and robust image classification models is the Inception model by Google. It makes classifications on images from over a 1000 classes with highly accurate results. The load_image_as_tensor/1 function is an essential component for the prediction pipeline of the Inception model (and for other similar image classification models) to work in Tensorflex.

Reads in the path to a JPEG image file (.jpg or .jpeg).

Returns a tuple {:ok, %Tensor} where %Tensor represents an internal Tensorflex struct type that is used for holding the tensor data and type. Here the created Tensor is a uint8 tensor (TF_UINT8).

NOTE: For now, only 3 channel RGB JPEG color images can be passed as arguments. Support for grayscale images and other image formats such as PNG will be added in the future.


To exemplify the working of the load_image_as_tensor/1 function we will cover the entire prediction pipeline for the Inception model. However, this makes use of many other Tensorflex functions such as run_session/5 and the other tensor functions so it would be advisable to go through them first. Also, the Inception model can be downloaded here. We will be making use of the cropped_panda.jpg image file that comes along with the model to test out the model in Tensorflex.

First the graph is loaded:

iex(1)> {:ok, graph} = Tensorflex.read_graph("classify_image_graph_def.pb")
2018-07-25 14:20:29.079139: W tensorflow/core/framework/op_def_util.cc:346] Op BatchNormWithGlobalNormalization is deprecated. It will cease to work in GraphDef version 9. Use tf.nn.batch_normalization().
  def: #Reference<0.542869014.389152771.105680>,
  name: "classify_image_graph_def.pb"

Then we load the image as a uint8 tensor:

iex(2)> {:ok, input_tensor} = Tensorflex.load_image_as_tensor("cropped_panda.jpg")
  datatype: :tf_uint8,
  tensor: #Reference<0.1203951739.122552322.52747>

Then we create the output tensor which will hold out output vector values. For the Inception model, the output is received as a 1008x1 float32 tensor, as there are 1008 classes in the model:

iex(3)> {:ok, output_tensor} = Tensorflex.create_matrix(1,2,[[1008,1]]) |> Tensorflex.float32_tensor_alloc
  datatype: :tf_float,
  tensor: #Reference<0.1203951739.122552322.52794>

Next, we obtain the results by running the session:

iex(4)> results = Tensorflex.run_session(graph, input_tensor, output_tensor, "DecodeJpeg", "softmax")
2018-07-25 14:33:40.992813: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:141] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: SSE4.1 SSE4.2 AVX AVX2 FMA
  [1.059142014128156e-4, 2.8240500250831246e-4, 8.30648496048525e-5,
  1.2982363114133477e-4, 7.32232874725014e-5, 8.014426566660404e-5,
  6.63459359202534e-5, 0.003170756157487631, 7.931600703159347e-5,
  3.707312498590909e-5, 3.0997329304227605e-5, 1.4232713147066534e-4,
  1.0381334868725389e-4, 1.1057958181481808e-4, 1.4321311027742922e-4,
  1.203602587338537e-4, 1.3130248407833278e-4, 5.850398520124145e-5,
  2.641105093061924e-4, 3.1629020668333396e-5, 3.906813799403608e-5,
  2.8646905775531195e-5, 2.2863158665131778e-4, 1.2222197256051004e-4,
  5.956588938715868e-5, 5.421260357252322e-5, 5.996063555357978e-5,
  4.867801326327026e-4, 1.1005574924638495e-4, 2.3433618480339646e-4,
  1.3062104699201882e-4, 1.317620772169903e-4, 9.388553007738665e-5,
  7.076268957462162e-5, 4.281177825760096e-5, 1.6863139171618968e-4,
  9.093972039408982e-5, 2.611844101920724e-4, 2.7584232157096267e-4,
  5.157176201464608e-5, 2.144951868103817e-4, 1.3628098531626165e-4,
  8.007588621694595e-5, 1.7929042223840952e-4, 2.2831936075817794e-4,
  6.216531619429588e-5, 3.736453436431475e-5, 6.782123091397807e-5,
  1.1538144462974742e-4, ...]

Finally, we need to find which class has the maximum probability and identify it’s label. Since results is a List of Lists, it’s better to read in the flattened list. Then we need to find the index of the element in the new list which as the maximum value. Therefore:

iex(5)> max_prob = List.flatten(results) |> Enum.max

iex(6)> Enum.find_index(results |> List.flatten, fn(x) -> x == max_prob end)

We can thus see that the class with the maximum probability predicted (0.8849328756332397) for the image is 169. We will now find what the 169 label corresponds to. For this we can look back into the unzipped Inception folder, where there is a file called imagenet_2012_challenge_label_map_proto.pbtxt. On opening this file, we can find the string class identifier for the 169 class index. This is n02510455 and is present on Line 1556 in the file. Finally, we need to match this string identifier to a set of identification labels by referring to the file imagenet_synset_to_human_label_map.txt file. Here we can see that corresponding to the string class n02510455 the human labels are giant panda, panda, panda bear, coon bear, Ailuropoda melanoleuca (Line 3691 in the file). Thus, we have correctly identified the animal in the image as a panda using Tensorflex.

Link to this function matrix_pos(matrix, row, col)

Used for accessing an element of a Tensorflex matrix.

Takes in three input arguments: a Tensorflex %Matrix struct matrix, and the row (row) and column (col) values of the required element in the matrix. Both row and col here are NOT zero indexed.

Returns the value as float.


iex(1)> mat = Tensorflex.create_matrix(2,3,[[2.2,1.3,44.5],[5.5,6.1,3.333]])
  data: #Reference<0.759278808.823525378.128525>,
  ncols: 3,
  nrows: 2

iex(2)> Tensorflex.matrix_pos(mat,2,1)

iex(3)> Tensorflex.matrix_pos(mat,1,3)
Link to this function matrix_to_lists(matrix)

Converts a Tensorflex matrix (back) to a list of lists format.

Takes a Tensorflex %Matrix struct matrix as input.

Returns a list of lists representing the data stored in the matrix.

NOTE: If the matrix contains very high dimensional data, typically obtained from a function like load_csv_as_matrix/2, then it is not recommended to convert the matrix back to a list of lists format due to a possibility of memory errors.


iex(1)> Tensorflex.create_matrix(2,3,[[23,23,23],[32,32,32]]) |> Tensorflex.matrix_to_lists
[[23.0, 23.0, 23.0], [32.0, 32.0, 32.0]]
Link to this function multiply_matrix_with_scalar(matrix, scalar)

Multiplies scalar value with matrix.

Takes two arguments: %Matrix matrix and scalar value (int or float)

Returns a %Matrix modified matrix.


iex(1)> m = Tensorflex.create_matrix(2,3,[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])
  data: #Reference<0.2262135929.2234908676.182623>,
  ncols: 3,
  nrows: 2

iex(2)> m = Tensorflex.multiply_matrix_with_scalar m,5
  data: #Reference<0.2093133110.1968832513.7094>,
  ncols: 3,
  nrows: 2

iex(3)> Tensorflex.matrix_to_lists m
[[5.0, 10.0, 15.0], [20.0, 25.0, 30.0]]
Link to this function read_graph(filepath)

Used for loading a Tensorflow .pb graph model in Tensorflex.

Reads in a pre-trained Tensorflow protobuf (.pb) Graph model binary file.

Returns a tuple {:ok, %Graph}.

%Graph is an internal Tensorflex struct which holds the name of the graph file and the binary definition data that is read in via the .pb file.


Reading in a graph

As an example, we can try reading in the Inception convolutional neural network based image classification graph model by Google. The graph file is named classify_image_graph_def.pb:

iex(1)> {:ok, graph} = Tensorflex.read_graph "classify_image_graph_def.pb"
2018-07-23 15:31:35.949345: W tensorflow/core/framework/op_def_util.cc:346] Op BatchNormWithGlobalNormalization is deprecated. It will cease to work in GraphDef version 9. Use tf.nn.batch_normalization().
  def: #Reference<0.3018278404.759824385.5268>,
  name: "classify_image_graph_def.pb"

Generally to check that the loaded graph model is correct and contains computational operations, the get_graph_ops/1 function is useful:

iex(2)> Tensorflex.get_graph_ops graph
["DecodeJpeg/contents", "DecodeJpeg", "Cast", "ExpandDims/dim", "ExpandDims",
 "ResizeBilinear/size", "ResizeBilinear", "Sub/y", "Sub", "Mul/y", "Mul",
 "conv/conv2d_params", "conv/Conv2D", "conv/batchnorm/beta",
 "conv/batchnorm/gamma", "conv/batchnorm/moving_mean",
 "conv/batchnorm/moving_variance", "conv/batchnorm", "conv/CheckNumerics",
 "conv/control_dependency", "conv", "conv_1/conv2d_params", "conv_1/Conv2D",
 "conv_1/batchnorm/beta", "conv_1/batchnorm/gamma",
 "conv_1/batchnorm/moving_mean", "conv_1/batchnorm/moving_variance",
 "conv_1/batchnorm", "conv_1/CheckNumerics", "conv_1/control_dependency",
 "conv_1", "conv_2/conv2d_params", "conv_2/Conv2D", "conv_2/batchnorm/beta",
 "conv_2/batchnorm/gamma", "conv_2/batchnorm/moving_mean",
 "conv_2/batchnorm/moving_variance", "conv_2/batchnorm", "conv_2/CheckNumerics",
 "conv_2/control_dependency", "conv_2", "pool/CheckNumerics",
 "pool/control_dependency", "pool", "conv_3/conv2d_params", "conv_3/Conv2D",
 "conv_3/batchnorm/beta", "conv_3/batchnorm/gamma",
 "conv_3/batchnorm/moving_mean", "conv_3/batchnorm/moving_variance", ...]

Incorrect usage will raise:

iex(3)> {:ok, graph} = Tensorflex.read_graph "Makefile"
** (ArgumentError) file is not a protobuf .pb file
(tensorflex) lib/tensorflex.ex:27: Tensorflex.read_graph/1

iex(3)> {:ok, graph} = Tensorflex.read_graph "Makefile.pb"
** (ArgumentError) graph definition file does not exist
(tensorflex) lib/tensorflex.ex:23: Tensorflex.read_graph/1
Link to this function run_session(graph, tensor1, tensor2, input_opname, output_opname)

Runs a Tensorflow session to generate predictions for a given graph, input data, and required input/output operations.

This function is the final step of the Inference (prediction) pipeline and generates output for a given set of input data, a pre-trained graph model, and the specified input and output operations of the graph.

Takes in five arguments: a pre-trained Tensorflow graph .pb model read in from the read_graph/1 function (graph), an input tensor with the dimensions and data required for the input operation of the graph to run (tensor1), an output tensor allocated with the right dimensions (tensor2), the name of the input operation of the graph that needs where the input data is fed (input_opname), and the output operation name in the graph where the outputs are obtained (output_opname). The input tensor is generally created from the matrices manually or using the load_csv_as_matrix/2 function, and then passed through to one of the tensor creation functions. For image classification the load_image_as_tensor/1 can also be used to create the input tensor from an image. The output tensor is created using the tensor allocation functions (generally containing alloc at the end of the function name).

Returns a List of Lists (similar to the matrix_to_lists/1 function) containing the generated predictions as per the output tensor dimensions.

These examples can be observed for understanding the prediction pipeline:

  • A blog post here covers generating predictions and running sessions using an MLP model on the Iris Dataset

  • Generating predictions from the Inception model by Google is covered in the load_image_as_tensor/1 function examples.

  • Working with an RNN-LSTM example for sentiment analysis is covered here.

Link to this function size_of_matrix(matrix)

Used for obtaining the size of a Tensorflex matrix.

Takes a Tensorflex %Matrix struct matrix as input.

Returns a tuple {nrows, ncols} where nrows represents the number of rows of the matrix and ncols represents the number of columns of the matrix.


iex(1)> mat = Tensorflex.create_matrix(2,3,[[2.2,1.3,44.5],[5.5,6.1,3.333]])
  data: #Reference<0.759278808.823525378.128525>,
  ncols: 3,
  nrows: 2

iex(2)> Tensorflex.size_of_matrix mat
{2, 3}
Link to this function string_tensor(stringval)

Creates a TF_STRING constant value string tensor from the string value specified.

Takes in a string value as input.

Returns a tuple {:ok, %Tensor} where %Tensor represents an internal Tensorflex struct type that is used for holding tensor data and type.


iex(1)> {:ok, tensor} = Tensorflex.string_tensor "123.123"
  datatype: :tf_string,
  tensor: #Reference<0.2069282048.194904065.41126>

Incorrect usage will raise:

iex(2)> {:ok, tensor} = Tensorflex.string_tensor 123.123  
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Tensorflex.string_tensor/1 

iex(2)> {:ok, tensor} = Tensorflex.string_tensor 123    
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Tensorflex.string_tensor/1
Link to this function subtract_matrices(matrix1, matrix2)

Subtracts matrix2 from matrix1.

Takes in two %Matrix matrices as arguments.

Returns the resultant %Matrix matrix.


iex(1)> m1 = Tensorflex.create_matrix(2,3,[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])
  data: #Reference<0.3124708718.3046244353.117555>,
  ncols: 3,
  nrows: 2

iex(2)> m2 = Tensorflex.create_matrix(2,3,[[4,5,6],[1,2,3]])
  data: #Reference<0.3124708718.3046244354.115855>,
  ncols: 3,
  nrows: 2

iex(3)> m_subtracted = Tensorflex.subtract_matrices m1,m2
  data: #Reference<0.3124708718.3046244353.120058>,
  ncols: 3,
  nrows: 2

iex(4)> Tensorflex.matrix_to_lists m_subtracted
[[-3.0, -3.0, -3.0], [3.0, 3.0, 3.0]]
Link to this function subtract_scalar_from_matrix(matrix, scalar)

Subtracts scalar value from matrix.

Takes two arguments: %Matrix matrix and scalar value (int or float)

Returns a %Matrix modified matrix.


iex(1)> m = Tensorflex.create_matrix(2,3,[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])
  data: #Reference<0.2262135929.2234908676.182623>,
  ncols: 3,
  nrows: 2

iex(2)> m = Tensorflex.subtract_scalar_from_matrix m,5                     
  data: #Reference<0.11868180.3310747649.147467>,
  ncols: 3,
  nrows: 2

iex(3)> Tensorflex.matrix_to_lists m
[[-4.0, -3.0, -2.0], [-1.0, 0.0, 1.0]]
Link to this function tensor_datatype(tensor)

Used to get the datatype of a created tensor.

Takes in a %Tensor struct tensor as input.

Returns a tuple {:ok, datatype} where datatype is an atom representing the list of Tensorflow TF_DataType tensor datatypes. Click here to view a list of all possible datatypes.


iex(1)> {:ok, tensor} = Tensorflex.string_tensor "example"
  datatype: :tf_string,
  tensor: #Reference<0.4132928949.2894987267.194583>

iex(2)> Tensorflex.tensor_datatype tensor
{:ok, :tf_string}
Link to this function tensor_to_matrix(tensor)

Converts the data stored in a 2-D tensor back to a 2-D matrix.

Takes in a single argument as a %Tensor tensor (any TF_Datatype).

Returns a %Matrix 2-D matrix.

NOTE: Tensorflex doesn’t currently support 3-D matrices, and therefore tensors that are 3-D (such as created using the load_image_as_tensor/1 function) cannot be converted back to a matrix, yet. Support for 3-D matrices will be added soon.


tensor_to_matrix/1 converts any 2-D %Tensor tensor back to matrix form. Consider sample1.csv back from the examples of load_csv_as_matrix/2:

iex(1)> vals = Tensorflex.load_csv_as_matrix("sample1.csv", header: :false)
  data: #Reference<0.124471106.2360737795.170799>,
  ncols: 5,
  nrows: 3

iex(2)> dims = Tensorflex.create_matrix(1,2,[[3,5]])
  data: #Reference<0.124471106.2360737795.170827>,
  ncols: 2,
  nrows: 1

iex(3)> {:ok, float64_tensor} = Tensorflex.float64_tensor vals,dims
  datatype: :tf_double,
  tensor: #Reference<0.124471106.2360737794.171586>

iex(4)> m_float64 = Tensorflex.tensor_to_matrix float64_tensor     
  data: #Reference<0.124471106.2360737794.171596>,
  ncols: 5,
  nrows: 3

iex(5)> Tensorflex.matrix_to_lists m_float64
  [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0],
  [6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0],
  [11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0]

iex(6)> {:ok, float32_tensor} = Tensorflex.float32_tensor vals,dims
  datatype: :tf_float,
  tensor: #Reference<0.124471106.2360737794.172555>

iex(7)> m_float32 = Tensorflex.tensor_to_matrix float32_tensor     
  data: #Reference<0.124471106.2360737794.172563>,
  ncols: 5,
  nrows: 3

iex(8)> Tensorflex.matrix_to_lists m_float32                       
  [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0],
  [6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0],
  [11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0]

iex(9)> {:ok, int32_tensor} = Tensorflex.int32_tensor vals,dims    
  datatype: :tf_int32,
  tensor: #Reference<0.124471106.2360737794.172578>

iex(10)> m_int32 = Tensorflex.tensor_to_matrix int32_tensor         
  data: #Reference<0.124471106.2360737794.172586>,
  ncols: 5,
  nrows: 3

iex(11)> Tensorflex.matrix_to_lists m_int32                     
  [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0],
  [6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0],
  [11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0]

The matrix values obtained in the conversions, m_int32, m_float32, m_float64 are identical to the vals matrix we had generated from the sample1.csv file:

iex(12)> Tensorflex.matrix_to_lists vals   
  [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0],
  [6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0],
  [11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0]