View Source Migrate from v0 to v1

This is a list of all breaking changes.

Version 1.0 has been released, try it today!

  defp deps do
      {:tesla, "1.0.0"}

Any other breaking change not on this list is considered a bug - in you find one please create a new issue.

Returning Tuple Result from HTTP Functions

get(..), post(..), etc. now return {:ok, Tesla.Env} | {:error, reason} (#177)

In 0.x all http functions returned either Tesla.Env or raised an error. In 1.0 these functions return ok/error tuples. The old behaviour can be achieved with the new ! (bang) functions: get!(...), post!(...), etc.

case MyApi.get("/") do
  {:ok, %Tesla.Env{status: 200}} -> # ok response
  {:ok, %Tesla.Env{status: 500}} -> # server error
  {:error, reason} -> # connection & other errors

Dropped aliases support (#159)

Use full module name for middleware and adapters.

# middleware
-  plug :json
+  plug Tesla.Middleware.JSON

# adapter
-  adapter :hackney
+  adapter Tesla.Adapter.Hackney

# config
-  config :tesla, adapter: :mock
+  config :tesla, adapter: Tesla.Mock

Dropped local middleware/adapter functions (#171)

Extract functionality into separate module.

 defmodule MyClient do
-  plug :some_local_fun
-  def some_local_fun(env, next) do
     # implementation
-  end

+defmodule ProperlyNamedMiddleware do
+  @behaviour Tesla.Middleware
+  def call(env, next, _opts) do
     # implementation
+  end

 defmodule MyClient do
+  plug ProperlyNamedMiddleware

Dropped client as function (#176)

This is very unlikely, but... if you hacked around with custom functions as client (the first argument) you need to stop. See Tesla.client/2 instead.

Headers are now a list (#160)

In 0.x env.headers are a map(binary => binary).

In 1.x env.headers are a [{binary, binary}].

This change also applies to middleware headers.

Setting a header

-  env
-  |> Map.update!(&Map.put(&1.headers, "name", "value"))

+  env
+  |> Tesla.put_header("name", "value")

Getting a header

-  env.headers["cookie"]
+  Tesla.get_header(env, "cookie") # => "secret"
+  Tesla.get_headers(env, "cookie") # => ["secret", "token", "and more"]

-  case env.headers do
-    %{"server" => server} -> ...
-    _ -> ...
-  end
+  case Tesla.get_header(env, "server") do
+    nil -> ...
+    server ->
+  end

There are five new functions to deal with headers:

  • Tesla.get_header(env, name) :: binary | nil - Get first header with given name

  • Tesla.get_headers(env, name) :: [binary] - Get all headers values with given name
  • Tesla.put_header(env, name, value) - Set header with given name and value. Existing header with the same name will be overwritten.
  • Tesla.put_headers(env, list) - Add headers to the end of env.headers. Does not make the headers unique.
  • Tesla.delete_header(env, name) - Delete all headers with given name

Dropped support for Elixir 1.3 (#164)

Tesla 1.0 works only with Elixir 1.4 or newer

Adapter options need to be wrapped in :adapter key:

- MyClient.get("/", opts: [recv_timeout: 30_000])
+ MyClient.get("/", opts: [adapter: [recv_timeout: 30_000]])

DebugLogger merged into Logger (#150)

Debugging request and response details has been merged into a single Logger middleware. See Tesla.Middleware.Logger documentation for more information.

  defmodule MyClient do
    use Tesla

    plug Tesla.Middleware.Logger
-   plug Tesla.Middleware.DebugLogger

Jason is the new default JSON library (#175)

The Tesla.Middleware.JSON now requires jason by default. If you want to keep using poison you will have to set :engine option - see documentation for details.