View Source Tesla.Adapter.Mint (tesla v1.7.0)

Adapter for mint.

NOTE: The minimum supported Elixir version for mint is 1.5.0

Remember to add {:mint, "~> 1.0"} and {:castore, "~> 0.1"} to dependencies. Also, you need to recompile tesla after adding :mint dependency:

mix deps.clean tesla
mix deps.compile tesla



# set globally in config/config.exs
config :tesla, :adapter, Tesla.Adapter.Mint
# set per module
defmodule MyClient do
  use Tesla
  adapter Tesla.Adapter.Mint

# set global custom cacertfile
config :tesla, adapter: {Tesla.Adapter.Mint, cacert: ["path_to_cacert"]}


Adapter specific options:

  • :timeout - Time in milliseconds, while process, will wait for mint messages. Defaults to 2_000.
  • :body_as - What will be returned in %Tesla.Env{} body key. Possible values - :plain, :stream, :chunks. Defaults to :plain.
    • :plain - as binary.
    • :stream - as stream. If you don't want to close connection (because you want to reuse it later) pass close_conn: false in adapter opts.
    • :chunks - as chunks. You can get response body in chunks using Tesla.Adapter.Mint.read_chunk/3 function. Processing of the chunks and checking body size must be done by yourself. Example of processing function is in test/tesla/adapter/mint_test.exs - Tesla.Adapter.MintTest.read_body/4. If you don't need connection later don't forget to close it with Tesla.Adapter.Mint.close/1.
  • :max_body - Max response body size in bytes. Works only with body_as: :plain, with other settings you need to check response body size by yourself.
  • :conn - Opened connection with mint. Is used for reusing mint connections.
  • :original - Original host with port, for which reused connection was open. Needed for Tesla.Middleware.FollowRedirects. Otherwise adapter will use connection for another open host.
  • :close_conn - Close connection or not after receiving full response body. Is used for reusing mint connections. Defaults to true.
  • :proxy - Proxy settings. E.g.: {:http, "localhost", 8888, []}, {:http, "", 8888, []}
  • :transport_opts - Keyword list of HTTP or HTTPS options passed into :gen_tcp or :ssl respectively by mint. See mint's docs on transport_opts.

Link to this section Summary


Closes mint connection.

Reads chunk of the response body. Returns {:fin, HTTP.t(), binary()} if all body received, otherwise returns {:nofin, HTTP.t(), binary()}.

Link to this section Functions

@spec close(Mint.HTTP.t()) :: {:ok, Mint.HTTP.t()}

Closes mint connection.

Link to this function

read_chunk(conn, ref, opts)

View Source
@spec read_chunk(Mint.HTTP.t(), reference(), keyword()) ::
  {:fin, Mint.HTTP.t(), binary()} | {:nofin, Mint.HTTP.t(), binary()}

Reads chunk of the response body. Returns {:fin, HTTP.t(), binary()} if all body received, otherwise returns {:nofin, HTTP.t(), binary()}.