TeslaOAuth2ClientAuth (tesla_oauth2_client_auth v1.0.0) View Source

Tesla middlewares for OAuth2 and OpenID Connect client authentication


"client_secret_jwt"TeslaOAuth2ClientAuth.ClientSecretJWTOpenID Connect
"private_key_jwt"TeslaOAuth2ClientAuth.PrivateKeyJWTOpenID Connect

Note that Tesla does not support modifying TLS parameters in middlewares, which is why "tls_client_auth" and "self_signed_tls_client_auth" are unsupported.


A TeslaOAuth2ClientAuth middleware receives a opts/0 as an option, which contains:

  • the client configuration (:client_config, see client_config/0)
  • the OAuth2 or OpenID Connect server metadata (:server_metadata)
  • any other option as documented by the implementations

Link to this section Summary


Client configuration is a map whose keys are those documented in OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration 1.0 incorporating errata set 1.

OAuth2 or OpenID Connect server metadata as documented in one of


Returns the Elixir.TeslaOAuth2ClientAuth middleware for client authentication from client configuration (using the "token_endpoint_auth_method" configuration field) or an authentication method string

Returns the Elixir.TeslaOAuth2ClientAuth middleware for client authentication from client configuration (using the "token_endpoint_auth_method" configuration field) or an authentication method string

Link to this section Types


client_config() :: %{optional(String.t()) => any()}

Client configuration is a map whose keys are those documented in OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration 1.0 incorporating errata set 1.

Must at least contain the "client_id" field of the client.


opts() :: %{
  :client_config => client_config(),
  optional(:server_metadata) => server_metadata(),
  optional(atom()) => any()


server_metadata() :: %{optional(String.t()) => any()}

OAuth2 or OpenID Connect server metadata as documented in one of:

Link to this section Functions


implementation(client_config() | (token_endpoint_auth_method :: String.t())) ::
  {:ok, module()}
  | {:error, TeslaOAuth2ClientAuth.UnsupportedClientAuthenticationMethod.t()}

Returns the Elixir.TeslaOAuth2ClientAuth middleware for client authentication from client configuration (using the "token_endpoint_auth_method" configuration field) or an authentication method string

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implementation!(client_config() | (token_endpoint_auth_method :: String.t())) ::
  module() | no_return()

Returns the Elixir.TeslaOAuth2ClientAuth middleware for client authentication from client configuration (using the "token_endpoint_auth_method" configuration field) or an authentication method string