thesis v0.0.28 Thesis.View

Provides several view helper functions, including the primary content/4 function. Look at individual function documentation to learn more about them.

Typically, you’ll add this to your web/web.ex file, under the view function:

def view do
  quote do
    use Thesis.View
    # ...

If you’d prefer, you can remove it from web/web.ex and add it to your views yourself:

defmodule MyApp.MyView do
  use Thesis.View
  # ...



Creates an editable content area in an eex template. Returns HTML-safe string if type is :html or just a string if :text

Returns the current page as a Thesis.Page{} struct

Creates a globally editable content area in an eex template. Returns HTML-safe string if type is :html or just a string if :text

Outputs the page title or a provided default

Outputs the page title or a provided default

Checks with the host app to see if the current page is editable by the current user, and then renders the editor, style tag, and bootstrap js


content(conn, name, type, opts \\ [do: ""])
content(Plug.Conn.t, String.t, String.t, list) ::
  String.t |
  {:safe, String.t}

Creates an editable content area in an eex template. Returns HTML-safe string if type is :html or just a string if :text.


<%= content(@conn, "Title", :text, do: "Default Title") %>
<%= content(@conn, "Description", :html) do %>
  <p>Default description</p>
  <p>Another paragraph</p>
<% end %>
current_page(Plug.Conn.t) :: Thesis.Page.t

Returns the current page as a Thesis.Page{} struct.

iex> Thesis.View.current_page(%Plug.Conn{request_path: "/test"})
%Thesis.Page{slug: "/test"}
global_content(conn, name, type, opts \\ [do: ""])
global_content(Plug.Conn.t, String.t, String.t, list) ::
  String.t |
  {:safe, String.t}

Creates a globally editable content area in an eex template. Returns HTML-safe string if type is :html or just a string if :text.


<%= global_content(@conn, "Title", :text, do: "Default Title") %>
<%= global_content(@conn, "Description", :html) do %>
  <p>Default description</p>
  <p>Another paragraph</p>
<% end %>
page_description(conn, default)

Outputs the page title or a provided default.


iex> page = %Thesis.Page{description: "Test Description"}
iex> conn = %Plug.Conn{assigns: %{thesis_page: page}}
iex> Thesis.View.page_description(conn, "Default Description")
"Test Description"
iex> page = %Thesis.Page{}
iex> conn = %Plug.Conn{assigns: %{thesis_page: page}}
iex> Thesis.View.page_description(conn, "Default Description")
"Default Description"
page_title(conn, default)

Outputs the page title or a provided default.


iex> page = %Thesis.Page{title: "Test Title"}
iex> conn = %Plug.Conn{assigns: %{thesis_page: page}}
iex> Thesis.View.page_title(conn, "Default Title")
"Test Title"
iex> page = %Thesis.Page{}
iex> conn = %Plug.Conn{assigns: %{thesis_page: page}}
iex> Thesis.View.page_title(conn, "Default Title")
"Default Title"
thesis_editor(Plug.Conn.t) :: {:safe, String.t}

Checks with the host app to see if the current page is editable by the current user, and then renders the editor, style tag, and bootstrap js.

If not editable, simply returns an empty string.


iex> {:safe, editor} = Thesis.View.thesis_editor(%Plug.Conn{assigns: %{thesis_editable: true}})
iex> String.contains?(editor, "/thesis/thesis.css")
iex> String.contains?(editor, "thesis-container")
iex> String.contains?(editor, "<script>")

iex> Thesis.View.thesis_editor(%Plug.Conn{assigns: %{thesis_editable: false}})
{:safe, ""}