View Source ThousandIsland.Transport behaviour (Thousand Island v0.6.7)

This module describes the behaviour required for Thousand Island to interact with low-level sockets. It is largely internal to Thousand Island, however users are free to implement their own versions of this behaviour backed by whatever underlying transport they choose. Such a module can be used in Thousand Island by passing its name as the transport_module option when starting up a server, as described in ThousandIsland.

Link to this section Summary


A listener socket used to wait for connections

The return value from a negotiated_protocol/1 call

The return value from a close/1 call

The return value from a getopts/2 call

The return value from a handshake/1 call

The return value from a recv/3 call

The return value from a send/2 call

The return value from a sendfile/4 call

The return value from a setopts/2 call

The return value from a shutdown/2 call

A socket representing a client connection

Options which can be set on a socket via setopts/2 (or returned from getopts/1)

Information about an endpoint (either remote ('peer') or local

Options which can be set on a socket via setopts/2 (or returned from getopts/1)

Connection statistics for a given socket

The direction in which to shutdown a connection in advance of closing it


Wait for a client connection on the given listener socket. This call blocks until such a connection arrives, or an error occurs (such as the listener socket being closed).

Closes the given socket.

Transfers ownership of the given socket to the given process. This will always be called by the process which currently owns the socket.

Gets the given options on the socket.

Returns stats about the connection on the socket.

Performs an initial handshake on a new client connection (such as that done when negotiating an SSL connection). Transports which do not have such a handshake can simply pass the socket through unchanged.

Create and return a listener socket bound to the given port and configured per the provided options.

Returns information in the form of t:socket_info() about the local end of the socket.

Returns the protocol negotiated as part of handshaking. Most typically this is via TLS' ALPN or NPN extensions. If the underlying transport does not support protocol negotiation (or if one was not negotiated), {:error, :protocol_not_negotiated} is returned

Returns information in the form of t:socket_info() about the remote end of the socket.

Returns available bytes on the given socket. Up to num_bytes bytes will be returned (0 can be passed in to get the next 'available' bytes, typically the next packet). If insufficient bytes are available, the function can wait timeout milliseconds for data to arrive.

Returns whether or not this protocol is secure.

Sends the given data (specified as a binary or an IO list) on the given socket.

Sends the contents of the given file based on the provided offset & length

Sets the given options on the socket. Should disallow setting of options which are not compatible with Thousand Island

Shuts down the socket in the given direction.

Link to this section Types

@type listener_socket() :: any()

A listener socket used to wait for connections

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@type negotiated_protocol_info() ::
  {:ok, binary()} | {:error, :protocol_not_negotiated}

The return value from a negotiated_protocol/1 call

@type on_close() :: :ok

The return value from a close/1 call

@type on_getopts() :: {:ok, socket_set_options()} | {:error, any()}

The return value from a getopts/2 call

@type on_handshake() :: {:ok, socket()} | {:error, any()}

The return value from a handshake/1 call

@type on_recv() :: {:ok, binary()} | {:error, any()}

The return value from a recv/3 call

@type on_send() :: :ok | {:error, any()}

The return value from a send/2 call

@type on_sendfile() :: {:ok, non_neg_integer()} | {:error, any()}

The return value from a sendfile/4 call

@type on_setopts() :: :ok | {:error, any()}

The return value from a setopts/2 call

@type on_shutdown() :: :ok

The return value from a shutdown/2 call

@type socket() :: any()

A socket representing a client connection

@type socket_get_options() :: [:inet.socket_getopt()]

Options which can be set on a socket via setopts/2 (or returned from getopts/1)

@type socket_info() :: %{
  address: :inet.ip_address() | :inet.local_address(),
  port: :inet.port_number(),
  ssl_cert: String.t() | nil

Information about an endpoint (either remote ('peer') or local

@type socket_set_options() :: [:inet.socket_setopt()]

Options which can be set on a socket via setopts/2 (or returned from getopts/1)

@type socket_stats() ::
  {:ok, [{:inet.stat_option(), integer()}]} | {:error, :inet.posix()}

Connection statistics for a given socket

@type way() :: :read | :write | :read_write

The direction in which to shutdown a connection in advance of closing it

Link to this section Callbacks

@callback accept(listener_socket()) :: {:ok, socket()} | {:error, any()}

Wait for a client connection on the given listener socket. This call blocks until such a connection arrives, or an error occurs (such as the listener socket being closed).

@callback close(socket() | listener_socket()) :: on_close()

Closes the given socket.

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controlling_process(socket, pid)

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@callback controlling_process(socket(), pid()) :: :ok | {:error, any()}

Transfers ownership of the given socket to the given process. This will always be called by the process which currently owns the socket.

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getopts(socket, socket_get_options)

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@callback getopts(socket(), socket_get_options()) :: on_getopts()

Gets the given options on the socket.

@callback getstat(socket()) :: socket_stats()

Returns stats about the connection on the socket.

@callback handshake(socket()) :: on_handshake()

Performs an initial handshake on a new client connection (such as that done when negotiating an SSL connection). Transports which do not have such a handshake can simply pass the socket through unchanged.

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listen(port_number, keyword)

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@callback listen(
) :: {:ok, listener_socket()}

Create and return a listener socket bound to the given port and configured per the provided options.

@callback local_info(socket() | listener_socket()) :: socket_info()

Returns information in the form of t:socket_info() about the local end of the socket.

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@callback negotiated_protocol(socket()) :: negotiated_protocol_info()

Returns the protocol negotiated as part of handshaking. Most typically this is via TLS' ALPN or NPN extensions. If the underlying transport does not support protocol negotiation (or if one was not negotiated), {:error, :protocol_not_negotiated} is returned

@callback peer_info(socket()) :: socket_info()

Returns information in the form of t:socket_info() about the remote end of the socket.

Link to this callback

recv(socket, num_bytes, timeout)

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@callback recv(socket(), num_bytes :: non_neg_integer(), timeout :: timeout()) ::

Returns available bytes on the given socket. Up to num_bytes bytes will be returned (0 can be passed in to get the next 'available' bytes, typically the next packet). If insufficient bytes are available, the function can wait timeout milliseconds for data to arrive.

@callback secure?() :: boolean()

Returns whether or not this protocol is secure.

@callback send(socket(), data :: IO.chardata()) :: on_send()

Sends the given data (specified as a binary or an IO list) on the given socket.

Link to this callback

sendfile(socket, filename, offset, length)

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@callback sendfile(
  filename :: String.t(),
  offset :: non_neg_integer(),
  length :: non_neg_integer()
) :: on_sendfile()

Sends the contents of the given file based on the provided offset & length

Link to this callback

setopts(socket, socket_set_options)

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@callback setopts(socket(), socket_set_options()) :: on_setopts()

Sets the given options on the socket. Should disallow setting of options which are not compatible with Thousand Island

@callback shutdown(socket(), way()) :: on_shutdown()

Shuts down the socket in the given direction.