timex v2.1.5 Timex.Time

This module provides a friendly API for working with Erlang timestamps, i.e. {megasecs, secs, microsecs}. In addition, it provides an easy way to wrap the measurement of function execution time (via measure).



Convert timestamp in the form { megasecs, seconds, microsecs } to the specified time units

Time interval between two timestamps. If the first timestamp comes before the second one in time, the return value will be negative. Timestamp must be in format

Time interval between timestamp and now. If timestamp is after now in time, the return value will be negative. Timestamp must be in format

Return time interval since the first day of year 0 to Epoch

Converts the given input value and unit to an Erlang timestamp

Evaluates fun() and measures the elapsed time

Evaluates apply(fun, args). Otherwise works like measure/1

Evaluates apply(module, fun, args). Otherwise works like measure/1

Time interval since Epoch

Converts an hour between 0..24 to {1..12, :am/:pm}

Converts an hour between 1..12 in either am or pm, to value between 0..24

Converts a timestamp to its value in days

Converts a timestamp to its value in hours

Converts a timestamp to its value in microseconds

Converts a timestamp to its value in milliseconds

Converts a timestamp to its value in minutes

Converts a timestamp to its value in seconds

Converts a timestamp to its value in weeks

Return a timestamp representing a time lapse of length 0


units ::
  :microseconds |
  :milliseconds |
  :seconds |
  :minutes |
  :hours |
  :days |
  :weeks |


add(arg1, arg2)
convert(timestamp, type \\ :timestamp)

Convert timestamp in the form { megasecs, seconds, microsecs } to the specified time units.

Supported units

  • :microseconds
  • :milliseconds
  • :seconds
  • :minutes
  • :hours
  • :days
  • :weeks
diff(t1, t2, type \\ :timestamp)

Time interval between two timestamps. If the first timestamp comes before the second one in time, the return value will be negative. Timestamp must be in format:

{ megasecs, seconds, microseconds }.

The third argument is an atom indicating the type of time units to return:

:microseconds, :milliseconds, :seconds, :minutes, or :hours

When the third argument is omitted, the return value’s format is:

{ megasecs, seconds, microsecs }.


iex> use Timex
...> Time.diff({1457, 136000, 785000}, Time.zero, :days)
elapsed(timestamp, type \\ :timestamp)

Time interval between timestamp and now. If timestamp is after now in time, the return value will be negative. Timestamp must be in format:

{ megasecs, seconds, microseconds }.

The second argument is an atom indicating the type of time units to return:

:microseconds, :milliseconds, :seconds, :minutes, or hours (:hours).

When the second argument is omitted, the return value’s format is

{ megasecs, seconds, microsecs }.
elapsed(arg1, arg2, type)
epoch(type \\ :timestamp)

Return time interval since the first day of year 0 to Epoch.

from(value, atom)


from(integer | Timex.Types.time, units) :: Timex.Types.timestamp

Converts the given input value and unit to an Erlang timestamp.


iex> Timex.Time.from(1500, :seconds)
{0, 1500, 0}


measure((() -> any)) :: {Timex.Types.timestamp, any}

Evaluates fun() and measures the elapsed time.

Returns {timestamp, result}, timestamp is the usual { megasecs, seconds, microsecs }.


iex> {_timestamp, result} = Time.measure(fn -> 2 * 2 end)
...> result == 4
measure(fun, args)


measure((... -> any), [any]) :: {Timex.Types.timestamp, any}

Evaluates apply(fun, args). Otherwise works like measure/1

measure(module, fun, args)


measure(module, atom, [any]) :: {Timex.Types.timestamp, any}

Evaluates apply(module, fun, args). Otherwise works like measure/1

now(type \\ :timestamp)

Time interval since Epoch.

The argument is an atom indicating the type of time units to return (see convert/2 for supported values).

When the argument is omitted, the return value’s format is { megasecs, seconds, microsecs }.

scale(arg, coef)
sub(arg1, arg2)

Converts an hour between 0..24 to {1..12, :am/:pm}


iex> Timex.Time.to_12hour_clock(23)
{11, :pm}
to_24hour_clock(hour, am_or_pm)

Converts an hour between 1..12 in either am or pm, to value between 0..24


iex> Timex.Time.to_24hour_clock(7, :pm)


to_days(Timex.Types.timestamp) :: float

Converts a timestamp to its value in days

to_days(value, atom)


to_days({integer | float, integer | float, integer | float}, :hms) :: float
to_days(integer | float, :weeks) :: float
to_days(integer | float, :days) :: float
to_days(integer | float, :hours) :: float
to_days(integer | float, :minutes) :: float
to_days(integer | float, :seconds) :: float
to_days(integer | float, :milliseconds) :: float
to_days(integer | float, :microseconds) :: float


to_hours(Timex.Types.timestamp) :: float

Converts a timestamp to its value in hours

to_hours(value, atom)


to_hours({integer | float, integer | float, integer | float}, :hms) :: float
to_hours(integer | float, :weeks) :: float
to_hours(integer | float, :days) :: float
to_hours(integer | float, :hours) :: float
to_hours(integer | float, :minutes) :: float
to_hours(integer | float, :seconds) :: float
to_hours(integer | float, :milliseconds) :: float
to_hours(integer | float, :microseconds) :: float


to_microseconds(Timex.Types.timestamp) :: integer

Converts a timestamp to its value in microseconds

to_microseconds(value, atom)


to_microseconds({integer | float, integer | float, integer | float}, :hms) :: float
to_microseconds(integer | float, :weeks) :: float
to_microseconds(integer | float, :days) :: float
to_microseconds(integer | float, :hours) :: float
to_microseconds(integer | float, :minutes) :: float
to_microseconds(integer | float, :seconds) :: float
to_microseconds(integer | float, :milliseconds) :: float
to_microseconds(integer | float, :microseconds) :: float


to_milliseconds(Timex.Types.timestamp) :: float

Converts a timestamp to its value in milliseconds

to_milliseconds(value, atom)


to_milliseconds({integer | float, integer | float, integer | float}, :hms) :: float
to_milliseconds(integer | float, :weeks) :: float
to_milliseconds(integer | float, :days) :: float
to_milliseconds(integer | float, :hours) :: float
to_milliseconds(integer | float, :minutes) :: float
to_milliseconds(integer | float, :seconds) :: float
to_milliseconds(integer | float, :milliseconds) :: float
to_milliseconds(integer | float, :microseconds) :: float
to_mins(value, type)


to_minutes(Timex.Types.timestamp) :: float

Converts a timestamp to its value in minutes

to_minutes(value, atom)


to_minutes({integer | float, integer | float, integer | float}, :hms) :: float
to_minutes(integer | float, :weeks) :: float
to_minutes(integer | float, :days) :: float
to_minutes(integer | float, :hours) :: float
to_minutes(integer | float, :minutes) :: float
to_minutes(integer | float, :seconds) :: float
to_minutes(integer | float, :milliseconds) :: float
to_minutes(integer | float, :microseconds) :: float
to_msecs(value, type)


to_seconds(Timex.Types.timestamp) :: float

Converts a timestamp to its value in seconds

to_seconds(value, atom)


to_seconds({integer | float, integer | float, integer | float}, :hms) :: float
to_seconds(integer | float, :weeks) :: float
to_seconds(integer | float, :days) :: float
to_seconds(integer | float, :hours) :: float
to_seconds(integer | float, :minutes) :: float
to_seconds(integer | float, :seconds) :: float
to_seconds(integer | float, :milliseconds) :: float
to_seconds(integer | float, :microseconds) :: float
to_secs(value, type)
to_timestamp(value, atom)
to_usecs(value, type)


to_weeks(Timex.Types.timestamp) :: float

Converts a timestamp to its value in weeks

to_weeks(value, atom)


to_weeks({integer | float, integer | float, integer | float}, :hms) :: float
to_weeks(integer | float, :weeks) :: float
to_weeks(integer | float, :days) :: float
to_weeks(integer | float, :hours) :: float
to_weeks(integer | float, :minutes) :: float
to_weeks(integer | float, :seconds) :: float
to_weeks(integer | float, :milliseconds) :: float
to_weeks(integer | float, :microseconds) :: float

Return a timestamp representing a time lapse of length 0.

Time.convert(Time.zero, :seconds)
#=> 0

Can be useful for operations on collections of timestamps. For instance,

Enum.reduce(timestamps, Time.zero, Time.add(&1, &2))

Can also be used to represent the timestamp of the start of the UNIX epoch, as all Erlang timestamps are relative to this point.