Topical (topical v0.2.2)

This module provides the high level interface for interacting with topics. Primarily for subscribing (and unsubscribing), but also for sending requests.

After subscribing, a client will initially receive a {:reset, ref, value} message, and then subsequent {:updates, ref, updates} messages when the value of the topic changes, where updates is a list with each item being one of:

  • {:set, path, value}: the value has been set at the path.
  • {:unset, path, key}: the key has been unset from the object at the path.
  • {:insert, path, index, values}: the values have been inserted into the array at the path.
  • {:delete, path, index, count}: count values have been deleted from the array at the path, from the position index.

A client can interact directly with a topic by executing actions (which returns a result), or by notifying (without waiting for a result). These are analogous to and GenServer.cast/2. Be aware that a topic is blocked while processing a request.

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Captures the state of the topic (in the specified registry) without subscribing.

Returns a specification to start a Topical registry under a supervisor.

Subscribes to the specified topic (in the specified registry).

Unsubscribes from a topic (in the specified registry).

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capture(registry, topic, context \\ nil)

Captures the state of the topic (in the specified registry) without subscribing.



Topical.capture(MyApp.Topical, ["lists", "foo"])
# => {:ok, %{items: %{}, order: []}}
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Returns a specification to start a Topical registry under a supervisor.

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execute(registry, topic, action, args \\ {}, context \\ nil)

Executes an action in a topic.



Topical.execute(MyApp.Topical, ["lists", "foo"], "add_item", {"Test", false})
#=> {:ok, "item123"}
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notify(registry, topic, action, args \\ {}, context \\ nil)

Send a notification to a registry.

This is similar to execute/4, except no result is waited for.



Topical.notify(MyApp.Topical, ["lists", "foo"], "update_done", {"item123", true})
#=> :ok
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subscribe(registry, topic, pid, context \\ nil)

Subscribes to the specified topic (in the specified registry).

Returns {:ok, ref}, where the ref is a reference to the subscription.

The pid will be send messages, as described above.



Topical.subscribe(MyApp.Topical, ["lists", "foo"], self())
#=> {:ok, #Reference<0.4021726225.4145020932.239110>}
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unsubscribe(registry, topic, ref)

Unsubscribes from a topic (in the specified registry).



Topical.unsubscribe(MyApp.Topical, ["lists", "foo"], ref)