JavaScript client

You can connect to a Topical server that has been exposed by an adapter, using the JavaScript client. The client is available on npm:

npm install @topical/core

(Or you may prefer to use the React client - see below.)

type ListModel = {
  items: Record<string, { text: string, done: boolean }>;
  order: string[];

// Setup the socket
const socket = new Socket("ws://");

// Subscribe to a topic (returns a function to unsibscribe)
const unsubscribe = socket.subscribe<ListModel>(
  ["lists", "foo"],
  (list: ListModel) => { console.log(value); },
  (error) => { ... }

// Execute an action
const itemId = await socket.execute(["lists", "foo"], "add_item", "First item");

// (The subscription should have been updated)

// Send a notification
socket.notify(["lists", "foo"], "update_item", itemId, "Inaugural item")

// (The subscription should have been updated again)

// Unsubscribe


React client

Instead of using the JavaScript client directly, you can use the React client. Install it from npm:

npm install @topical/react

Setup the socket using the provider:

import { SocketProvider } from "@topical/react";

function getSocketUrl() {
  // TODO
  return "ws://";

function App() {
  return (
    <SocketProvider url={getSocketUrl()}>
      // ...

Then use the useTopic hook in your components to subscribe to your topic:

import { useTopic } from "@topical/react";

function List({ id }) {
  const [list, { execute, notify, loading, error }] = useTopic<models.List>("lists", id);
  const addItem = useCallback(
    (text: string) => execute("add_item", text),
  if (loading) {
    return <p>Loading...</p>;
  } else if (error) {
    return <p>Error.</p>
  } else {
    return (
      // ...

If you need access to the underlying socket (or the status), you can use the useSocket hook:

import { useSocket } from "@topical/react";

function SocketStatus() {
  const [_socket, state] = useSocket();
  return <p>{state}</p>;