Turbo.Ecto.Utils (turbo_ecto v1.0.2)

Utils func

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Takes a map or list and removes keys or elements that have nil or empty values, or are empty maps.

At the map object or list object, delete the key with Value is_nil or == "", and recursion is also considered.

Converts all (atoms) map keys to string.

Converts all (string) map keys to atoms

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Takes a map or list and removes keys or elements that have nil or empty values, or are empty maps.


iex> Turbo.Ecto.Utils.compactify!(%{nil_key: nil, not_nil: "nil"})
%{not_nil: "nil"}
iex> Turbo.Ecto.Utils.compactify!([1, nil, "string", %{key: :value}])
[1, "string", %{key: :value}]
iex> Turbo.Ecto.Utils.compactify!([a: nil, b: 2, c: "string"])
[b: 2, c: "string"]
iex> Turbo.Ecto.Utils.compactify!(%{empty: %{}, not: "not"})
%{not: "not"}
iex> Turbo.Ecto.Utils.compactify!({"not", "a map"})
** (ArgumentError) expecting a map or a list, got: {"not", "a map"}
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compactify!(bool, list)

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compaction!(Map.t() | List.t()) :: Map.t() | List.t()

At the map object or list object, delete the key with Value is_nil or == "", and recursion is also considered.


iex> Turbo.Ecto.Utils.compaction!(%{nil_nil: nil, not_nil: "a value", nested: %{nil_val: nil, other: "other"}})
%{not_nil: "a value", nested: %{other: "other"}}

iex> Turbo.Ecto.Utils.compaction!(%{nil_nil: nil, not_nil: "a value", nested: %{nil_val: nil, other: "other", nested_empty: %{}}})
%{not_nil: "a value", nested: %{other: "other"}}

iex> Turbo.Ecto.Utils.compaction!([nil, "string", %{nil_nil: nil, not_nil: "a value", nested: %{nil_val: nil, other: "other", nested_empty: %{}}}, ["nested", nil, 2]])
["string", %{not_nil: "a value", nested: %{other: "other"}}, ["nested", 2]]
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stringify_keys(map()) :: map()

Converts all (atoms) map keys to string.


iex> map = %{a: 1, b: %{c: 3, d: 4}} iex> Turbo.Ecto.Utils.stringify_keys(map) %{"a" => 1, "b" => %{"c" => 3, "d" => 4}}

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symbolize_keys(map()) :: map()

Converts all (string) map keys to atoms


iex> map = %{"a" => 1, "b" => %{"c" => 3, "d" => 4}}
iex> Turbo.Ecto.Utils.symbolize_keys(map)
%{a: 1, b: %{c: 3, d: 4}}