Uderzo v0.9.1 Uderzo.GenRenderer behaviour View Source

Generic rendering code. This will start a process that will render a frame at a regular rate in a window of the indicated size. Rendering the frame is done by calling a callback with the current window size and height and the current mouse pointer position.

GenRenderer is using GenServer internally and is thus OTP compatible.

Usually, if you want to use Uderzo, this is the module you want to build around. See also the examples and demos in the repository.

The basic usage of GenRenderer is the same as GenServer: you use the module, supply a render_frame/5 callback and an optional init_renderer/1 callback. There are just more arguments than with GenServer ;-). Short skeleton:

defmodule MyRenderer do
  use Uderzo.GenRenderer

def start_link(...) do
  Uderzo.GenRenderer.start_link(__MODULE__, "My Demo", 800, 600, 60, [], name: __MODULE__)

def init_renderer([]) do
  {:ok, %{some: :state}}

def render_frame(window_width, window_height, mouse_x, mouse_y, state) do
  ... Paint your frame here ...
  {:ok, state}

One important difference with GenServer is that the init_renderer/1 callback isn't called during start time but rather as soon as Uderzo is initialized. This means that you can call functions to load fonts, etcetera, at initialization time.

Note that once called, GenRenderer just goes off and does rendering. There's no requirement to interact with it further, although you can set the user state directly, forcing a redraw if desired.

Link to this section Summary


Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

Get the user_state portion of %State{}. This is the data that gets passed into render.

Callback implementation for GenServer.init/1.

Set the user_state portion of %State{}. This is the data that gets passed into render. Calling this has the side effect of redrawing the screen.

Start a GenRenderer with the indicated window height, width and title and the target FPS.


The (optional) init callback. It either returns :ok and the initial state, or an error which will cause the GenRenderer to bail out.

The rendering function. This is called fps times per second. It should try to complete quickly so that frames aren't skipped.

Link to this section Functions

Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

See Supervisor.

Get the user_state portion of %State{}. This is the data that gets passed into render.

Callback implementation for GenServer.init/1.

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Set the user_state portion of %State{}. This is the data that gets passed into render. Calling this has the side effect of redrawing the screen.

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start_link(module, title, window_width, window_height, target_fps, args, genserver_opts \\ [])

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Start a GenRenderer with the indicated window height, width and title and the target FPS.

The target_fps is a target, much rests on the speed of the rendering function for the real fps.

The final argument, genserver_opts, is just passed on to GenServer.start_link/3.

Returns GenServer.on_start.

Link to this section Callbacks


init_renderer(args :: term()) :: {:ok, term()} | :error

The (optional) init callback. It either returns :ok and the initial state, or an error which will cause the GenRenderer to bail out.

Link to this callback

render_frame(window_width, window_height, mouse_x, mouse_y, state)

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  window_width :: float(),
  window_height :: float(),
  mouse_x :: float(),
  mouse_y :: float(),
  state :: term()
) :: {:ok, term()} | :error

The rendering function. This is called fps times per second. It should try to complete quickly so that frames aren't skipped.