Ueberauth Heroku v0.3.0 Ueberauth.Strategy.Heroku.OAuth View Source

An implementation of OAuth2 for Heroku.

To add your client_id and client_secret include these values in your configuration.

config :ueberauth, Ueberauth.Strategy.Heroku.OAuth,
  client_id: System.get_env("HEROKU_CLIENT_ID"),
  client_secret: System.get_env("HEROKU_CLIENT_SECRET")

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Provides the authorize url for the request phase of Ueberauth. No need to call this usually.

Construct a client for requests to Heroku.

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authorize_url(client, params)

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Callback implementation for OAuth2.Strategy.authorize_url/2.

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authorize_url!(params \\ [], opts \\ [])

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Provides the authorize url for the request phase of Ueberauth. No need to call this usually.

Construct a client for requests to Heroku.

Optionally include any OAuth2 options here to be merged with the defaults.

Ueberauth.Strategy.Heroku.OAuth.client(redirect_uri: "http://localhost:4000/auth/heroku/callback")

This will be setup automatically for you in Ueberauth.Strategy.Heroku. These options are only useful for usage outside the normal callback phase of Ueberauth.

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get_token(client, params, headers)

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Callback implementation for OAuth2.Strategy.get_token/3.

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get_token!(params \\ [], options \\ [])

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